Tag Archives: Dennis Prager

Arab World Mourns Osama Bin Laden

Dennis Prager interviewed conservative author and Arabist David Pryce Jones (The Closed Circle) today. Dennis: “Has there been silence from the Arab and Muslim world in reaction to Bin Laden’s death?” David: “Yes. The Arab world seems to be silent … Continue reading

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Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “We are told constantly that this can bring ‘closure’, a word I’m not a big fan of, to a lot of the relatives of the victims of 9/11. They are quoted as … Continue reading

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Change Your Place, Change Your Luck

At the end of Mattie’s call Friday, Dennis Prager says: “You are a very articulate young woman. I’d like to stay in touch with you. “Let’s go to Jeff in Los Angeles.” Jeff: “A teenage sister just broke up with … Continue reading

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The Purpose Of Prayer Is To Elevate The Moment

On his show April 29, 2011, Dennis Prager said: “I am not good at petitionary prayer and rarely make it [on behalf of myself]. I’ve done it maybe twice in my life. I don’t like using God as a celestial … Continue reading

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Dark Secrets Of The Opposite Sex

A caller to Dennis Prager’s radio show today, Michael, says: “Even though a wife will swear and claim she won’t do it, a wife will put the below adulthood children’s welfare above yours. Even though they may rationally know that … Continue reading

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