Tag Archives: quot quot

‘Friday Night Was Lovely’

"Friday night was lovely," he says. "Don’t say lovely," she says. "So was Thursday night." "Thursday night was more aggressive," he says. "Friday night was a little more emotional." "Do you think it is OK to do both?" "Of course." … Continue reading

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My Next Challenge – Making People Feel Safe

A friend says: "I think the banning is more because they want members to feel safe. It’s not that they think you are a physical threat but people are worried what you might write about them. It’s something for you … Continue reading

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Nobody Cares About The Accomplishments Of Your Kids

Nobody but you the parents and the grandparents. The rest of us do not care. Bumperstickers are trashy. Bumperstickers advertising that your kids are on an honor roll are obnoxious. Bumperstickers advertising that your kids have good attendance at their … Continue reading

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Talking To My Dad

"The other day when you were talking to me, I suddenly felt you were no longer talking to me but to your dad," says a friend. "What do you mean? What was I talking about?" "Your voice changed and you … Continue reading

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Rabbi Shlomo Goren – The Last Champion Of A Dynamic Halacha

From Marc B. Shapiro‘s lectures on Torah in Motion: From Dr. Shapiro’s third lecture on R. Shlomo Goren: "Rabbi Shlomo Goren was machmir (strict) on many mitzvos. He wouldn’t carry within the eruv in Jerusalem." "When his term ended in … Continue reading

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