Tag Archives: luke ford

‘The Shiksa Syndrome’ II

Dec. 4. Watch here. Temple Israel (My previous interviews with Laurie.) Laurie: "I was talking to Luke Ford. He has a great blog. He was interviewing me for Good Frog. We were talking about stereotypes… You can identify. So much … Continue reading

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Maps To The Stars — Of Torah!

HymenRoth:  Young man, were I to visit your city, would you be so kind as to provide me with a torah tour of the local Jewish community? HymenRoth:  I am most interested in places of yicchus. HymenRoth:  I think the … Continue reading

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I Love Therapy

I walk in filled with shame and despair. I see my life squeezed of hope. There are so few options. I’m doomed to repeat my sins. Then I speak and stammer and close my eyes and shift in my seat … Continue reading

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I’ve Had The Flu Since Tuesday

Here are my grades for the books, TV and movies I’ve consumed over the past five days: * Tell Me How This Ends: General David Petraeus and the Search for a Way Out of Iraq C. This was the most … Continue reading

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Luke Ford, Joey Kurtzman Discuss Torah Portion Vayeira (Genesis 18-22)

Full discussion here:

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