Tag Archives: Marc B. Shapiro

Studies in Maimonides and His Interpreters

Marc B. Shapiro has a new book out: "Studies in Maimonides and His Interpreters"   Included in the book is a short "Note on Maimonides and Muhammad" following censorship that occurred in his "Islam and the Halakhah," Judaism 42:3 (Summer … Continue reading

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What Is Marc B. Shapiro’s Ideology?

He says he’s Modern Orthodox and he seems to me to be Modern Orthodox. And I guess that’s the answer to the question in my headline. I asked Marc about his ideology Saturday night and he essentially said he was … Continue reading

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Are Ethiopia’s Falashans Jews?

Marc B. Shapiro writes: …I was involved in the Ethiopian Jewry cause.[43] My first trip there, in 1987, was memorable, as we were the first group allowed into the villages of Gondar after Operation Moses. (It was also great to … Continue reading

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Ignorant In Yeshiva

Marc B. Shapiro writes: This phenomenon, of great scholars not being aware of things that most people reading the Seforim blog learned years ago, should not surprise us. The traditional yeshiva curriculum is very narrow, and you can spend your … Continue reading

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Was The Rav Modern Orthodox?

Marc B. Shapiro blogs: Since I mentioned some stories from Halakhic Man that show that the Rav did not have a Modern Orthodox ethos, I will also say something about the following story, which some have wondered about.   Once … Continue reading

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