Tag Archives: orthodox rabbi

Is My Blog Certified Kosher By The Orthodox Rabbis Of Los Angeles?

I heard Orthodox rabbi Yitz Greenberg say that while Israel should be more moral than other nations, if it insisted on being 100% more moral, it would be dead. It should instead strive for something achievable and survivable, such as … Continue reading

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Arguments About The Documentary Hypothesis

Orthodox rabbi Gil Student blogs: I’ve seen it mentioned in a few places that the strongest arguments for the Documentary Hypothesis can be found in Richard Elliott Friedman’s introduction to his book, The Bible With Sources Revealed. I thought I … Continue reading

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The Lenient Approach To Conversion To Orthodox Judaism

Professor Marc B. Shapiro blogs: In fact, throughout most of Jewish history a lenient approach to conversion was the mainstream approach. Now it is true that R. Herzog famously states that in earlier times one could be more lenient than … Continue reading

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CEO Of OHEL Cautions About Going To Police

From Failed Messiah: David Mandel, the CEO of OHEL Children’s Home and Family Services, the Brooklyn-based haredi social services organization. Speaking in… …Baltimore February 20, 2008, under the auspices of Baltimore’s Orthodox (and overwhelmingly haredi) Va’ad Harabbonim, Mandel appears to … Continue reading

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Top Doc Twerski Scared Off Panel On Rabbinic Sex Molesters

From The Jewish Week: A prominent Orthodox rabbi and psychologist has been intimidated into quitting as head of a just-formed task force dealing with rabbinic sex abuse of minors, organized by Assemblyman Dov Hikind this week. Dr. Benzion Twerski told … Continue reading

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