Tag Archives: radio show

I Discuss Evolution Vs. Genesis

I was on Marc Germain‘s radio show last night. I tell Marc that the first few chapters of Genesis should not be taken literally. Then Marc stumps me: "Which parts of the Bible should we take literally?" From my live … Continue reading

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Global Warming

On the third hour of his radio show Thursday, Dennis Prager said: "The dominant feature of my radio show is to put truth above everything else." From PragerRadio.com: "Dennis talks to Joe Bastardi, the chief hurricane and long range meteorologist … Continue reading

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Why Be Good?

In the summer of 1995, I wrote Dennis Prager a letter (15 months earlier, I moved to Los Angeles to work for him, the job fell through) asking for his permission to develop his ideas on how to be a … Continue reading

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The Joy Of Yoga – Have You Noticed My Spiritual Growth?

I was Marc Germain’s radio show Thursday night for 30 minutes. Marc: "What’s happening with you?" Luke: "I just got back from yoga. Have you noticed a certain spiritual change in me?" Marc: "You dabble in almost everything." "Have you … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Sees The Movie ‘Australia’

On his radio show Jan. 9, Dennis turned to his wife 20 minutes in to the movie and said, ‘If this does not get better in 15 minutes, we’re outta here." "It is well worth seeing. It is the great … Continue reading

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