Tag Archives: gil student

A History Of NCSY

Rabbi Gil Student writes: Zev Eleff, a YU undergrad, recently published a history of NCSY titled Living from Convention to Convention: A History of the NCSY, 1954-1980 (press release). The book is remarkable for a number of reasons. First of … Continue reading

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Does Judaism Sanction Journalism?

Orthodox rabbi Gil Student writes: R. Eliezer Melamed is active with Arutz Sheva and is the rabbi of the weekly newspaper Be-Sheva (link). In one of his columns (13 Tammuz, 5765/ July 20, 2005), he responded to a question about … Continue reading

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Rabbi Busted For Entering Church

From the New York Daily News: A Manhattan rabbi was chastised by higher-ups for an unorthodox move – participating in an interfaith prayer service at the National Cathedral with President Obama on Wednesday. The Rabbinical Council of America took Rabbi … Continue reading

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Where’s The Jewish Richard John Neuhaus?

Rabbi Gil Student nominates Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks. I agree that R. Sacks is eloquent, but he does lead anybody? Does he influence thought? Does he lead intellectual change? I don’t think so. He’s a silver-tongued spokesman for the British … Continue reading

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The Prophetic Documentary Hypothesis

Biblical scholarship is the single most uncomfortable matter for discussion among Orthodox Jews, particularly those familiar with the unanimous acceptance of the Documentary Hypothesis by university scholars. Orthodox rabbi Gil Student blogs: You might recall the "Jacobs Affair", in which … Continue reading

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