The Balfour Declaration

Wikipedia says: “The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British government in 1917 during the First World War announcing its support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a small minority Jewish population. The declaration was contained in a letter dated 2 November 1917 from the United Kingdom’s Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lord Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland.”

So who was this Lord Balfour? Obviously, a man of high integrity and stern moral principle.

Simon Kuper writes in his superb 2022 book Chums: How A Tiny Caste of Oxford Tories Took Over The UK:

Lord Curzon (Eton and Oxford, where he was president of the Union) [critiqued] Arthur Balfour (Eton and Cambridge), Britain’s foreign secretary after 1916. Curzon describes “the lamentable ignorance, indifference and levity of [Balfour’s] regime. He never studied his papers, he never knew the facts, at the Cabinet he had seldom read the morning’s Foreign Office telegrams, and he never looked ahead. He trusted to his unequalled powers of improvisation to take him through any trouble and enable him to leap lightly from one crisis to another.”

Curzon (chancellor of Oxford University when he wrote this, and Balfour’s future successor as foreign secretary) is also, of course, describing Boris Johnson.

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Seduced by Story: The Use and Abuse of Narrative

Peter Brook writes in this 2022 book:

* Seth Godin, who runs the Story Skills Workshop, much appreciated in the corporate world, posted his response to the events roiling the United States in the summer of 2020: “The way forward is through. Through empathy and through practice. We are each charged with standing up and telling our story, a true story of possibility, as we weave together a better future. We’ve all seen, firsthand, the effect of a powerful story. This proven workshop will help you craft one that makes things better.”

* Rita Charon and her followers have insisted on the importance of “narrative medicine,” based on listening to patients’ stories and reciprocating with stories about illness and recovery—and death.

* As the finale of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Hamilton asks, with a poignancy to which any of us can respond: “Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?”

* Anthony Amsterdam and Jerome Bruner state in Minding the Law that the traditional view that adjudication could proceed by “examining free-standing factual data selected on grounds of their logical pertinency” has been superseded by the view that “increasingly we are coming to recognize that both the questions and the answers in such matters of ‘fact’ depend largely upon one’s choice (considered or unconsidered) of some overall narrative as best describing what happened or how the world works. ” 13 In other words, the “facts on the ground” are not cognizable at all until we make them into a narrative, and that narrative and its meaning are not determined by the facts but shaped by our expectations of narrative coherence and meaning, which in turn can derive from our preformed beliefs about human behavior, motivation, morality, gender identity, and so on.
Legal adjudication doesn’t in theory make a place for storytelling, though narrative may be crucial in creating facts, judgments, verdicts. Stories are regarded by law as suspiciously emotional, as making a kind of appeal to empathy—or prejudice—that legal rules must cabin and confine. 14 Yet there is ample evidence that the law relies far more than it is aware on stories, not only those of the courtroom —usually opposing stories, one of which will trump the other—but also at the appellate level, where the “facts of the case” established at trial must be retold as part of the attempt to judge whether the case has been decided according to the legal rules. And there are other stories as well: those of precedential cases, and maybe of the Constitution—its text and how it was decided upon and interpreted.

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