Tag Archives: Dennis Prager

I’m Discussing Darwin Monday At 9PM

What should I say? I want to give a Torah perspective on the 200th anniversary of Darwin’s birth. I never learned much biology. Never studied much trigonometry. All I know is that I love you and if you’d love me … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager: ‘Everyone I Know Has Been Turned Down For Credit’

On the first hour of his radio show yesterday, Dennis Prager said: "Everyone I know has been turned down for loans. The banks got all this money but they don’t give out loans. If I were emotional, I’m about to … Continue reading

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How Do You Deal With Friends Who Want To Demean You?

Like Dennis Prager, I’ve dedicated my life to uplifting the human condition. I pattern my behavior on tne highest ideals of Western Civilization in general and the Torah in particular. Despite this, I have people in my life who try … Continue reading

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Why Are The Africans So Thrilled That Obama Was Elected President?

President Bush did more for the continent than any other president in history. The election of Barack Obama won’t make Africans’ lives any easier. It won’t change anything significant for them. I think they have their priorities wrong. If a … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Changed My Life

CJ posts: "Hi. I fully understand what you said regarding the change of your life because if this amazing man. He changed mine too. I took a flight from L.A. to N.Y. back in 2006. I sat next to him. … Continue reading

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