Tag Archives: Marc B. Shapiro

Did Rabbi Avi Weiss Invent Women Saying Kaddish?

Kaddish is the memorial prayer traditionally said only by men. Left-wing Modern Orthodox shuls allow women to say kaddish, while right-wing Modern Orthodox shuls usually don’t allow women to say this prayer publicly. I’m listening to a Torah in Motion … Continue reading

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Sending Icebreakers On Frumster

So I just tried out Frumster for the first time. I used these search criteria: Age 25-45, anything goes. Divorced with kids, never married, whatever. I can’t believe how much anxiety I am feeling. It was like being at an … Continue reading

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How The Orthodox Deal With The Non-Orthodox

Orthodox rabbi Marc B. Shapiro blogs: In general, there have been some real changes in how Orthodoxy deals with the non-Orthodox, and Adam Ferziger has recently published a valuable article on the topic. In reading the article, I was surprised … Continue reading

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Covering Up Rabbi Sex Abusers

Orthodox rabbi Marc B. Shapiro blogs April 15, 2010: There is another theory as to why the sectarian hasidic world in particular has had so many cases of covering up and defending child sex abusers. It is that they simply … Continue reading

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Executing The Jewish Murderer Martin Grossman

Wikipedia says: “Martin Edward Grossman (January 19, 1965 � February 16, 2010) was convicted of first degree murder for his part in the December 13, 1984, Florida killing of wildlife officer Peggy Park. He was executed by lethal injection. In … Continue reading

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