Tag Archives: Dennis Prager

‘The Obama Presidency Has Been A Disaster’

Dennis Prager said that this week. Charles Krauthammer writes in the Washington Post: About the only thing more comical than Barack Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize was the reaction of those who deemed the award "premature," as if the brilliance of … Continue reading

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Where Do Women Get Their Self-Worth From?

Dennis Prager discussed this on his second hour of his nationally-syndicated radio show today. He said that men tend to get most of their self-worth from their work and that married men in particular tend to work longer hours than … Continue reading

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Christian Church In San Mateo Welcomes A Rabbi In Residence

I remember Dennis Prager saying that every synagogue should have a sister church. Wow, the Orthodox did not react too well to that idea. From the San Mateo County Times: SAN MATEO — Religious tolerance is no longer enough. In … Continue reading

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Are You A Good Person?

If person who’ve been close to you keep falling away and you are alienated from good people, that’s a good way of asking what gives with you. Geez, what gives with me? I have this problem. Dennis Prager talked about … Continue reading

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The U.S. Military’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Policy

Dennis Prager tackled this topic in the second hour of his show. "There is no difference between a white human being and a black human being, but there is a difference between a homosexual or a heterosexual human being. "The … Continue reading

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