Tag Archives: shul

Synagogues Employ Extra Security Measures For Shabbat

Until I was 20, I used to go to church almost every Sabbath. I never recall security guards. Yet I have almost never been to a shul on Shabbat that did not have a security guard. Here’s the email from … Continue reading

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How Should We Deal With Skeptics?

Here’s one approach posted on the blog ModernOrthodoxPrax: "The rambam states quite clearly that skeptics are to be murdered in cold blood. One does not even need a beis din, but any Jew can take matters into his own hands … Continue reading

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‘Did Jesus Go To Mincha?’

That was the subject header for a mass email sent out Thursday afternoon by Bnai David-Judea rabbi Yosef Kanefsky: While historians will continue to debate that question (or not), there’s one thing we can know for sure. By taking the … Continue reading

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Rabbi Emanuel Rackman Dead

I got an email from a shul saying: "The funeral will be in [Israel]." Emanuel Rackman was one of the great minds of Modern Orthodoxy, a far greater intellect than Shalom Auslander‘s uncle Norman Lamm who beat him out for … Continue reading

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Bearing the Body: Poverty, Humility & Chastity At UCLA

6:30 p.m. The traffic’s stuck on Westwood Blvd. I want to go west to UCLA but I pull over at a free parking spot near Westholme (?) and walk 30 minutes to the Faculty Center for tonight’s lecture. I huff … Continue reading

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