Daily Caller Interviews The Man Behind The Twitter Handle ‘Conservative Pundit’

From the Daily Caller:

Put in the voice of a hypothetical National Review writer who believes Democrats are the real racists, Mr. Pundit tweets out his thoughts on a wide variety of issues.

Here’s a sampling of some of his latest tweets:

The Daily Caller was fortunate enough to track down the man behind the account — who wished to remain unidentified — to find out what inspired him to start the account and why he’s driven to satirize the poor souls who can’t stop tweeting #NeverTrump.

The DC: What was the inspiration for the Conservative Pundit account?

Conservative Pundit: I started it one night on a whim and didn’t really expect it to take off like it has, so maybe “inspiration” is a little strong. But I did create it out of a general sense of frustration with the ineffectiveness of, well, conservative punditry.

I guess a lot of that frustration emerges from my conviction that the Left hasn’t had an original thought in years. They’ve hit an intellectual dead end, and rather than re-assessing their theories they’ve instead contented themselves for the past couple decades in finding increasingly nonsensical and bizarre applications for those theories. Like a great big hunt for the next “systemic oppression” to write a Slate article about. It’s a movement that’s culminating in things like mass campus hysteria over a poop swastika and solemn thinkpieces in defense of rioting and arson. That’s the kind of stuff their intellectual vanguard is up to.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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