Trump Gets Considerable Support From Blacks

Steve Sailer writes: A lot of people seem to see Trump’s run as a referendum on truthfulness of The Narrative about race.

He’s a test case, the street urchin in “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” If he can’t be silenced, who know what he might say.

And yet, there’s little evidence that Trump is challenging The Narrative when it comes to race. He seems to have a more functional view that we ought to be able to discuss frankly the merits and demerits of permitting various foreigners into America, but hasn’t wanted to get into the merits and demerits of African-Americans, who are, after all, his fellow Americans.

But that is apparently too sophisticated a concept for the news media establishment to grasp.


* If you came across a girl who was crying, would you start analyzing the sobs, trying to figure their meaning? Of course not, because you realize that it’s just the sound she makes while experiencing an emotion.

That’s what this is. The emotion the writer is communicating is “I hate white men”. That’s it. The content of the text is irrelevant and trying to poke holes in the “arguments” is silly.

* One thing worth noting is that Trump has come down hard on BLM. He has made it clear that he will back the police, and he has had no qualms about having his security escort BLM protestors away from his events. That of course makes him a flaming racist in 2016, even if you despise BLM for all the “black bodies” it has been leaving on the street.

But yes, Trump has otherwise shown no animus to blacks during this campaign. If he’s smart, he’ll try to broaden his message out to blacks in Rust Belt states. He can probably make some ground in suggesting that Hillary’s open borders policies will leave less Affirmative Action goodies left for blacks.

I wonder if he will stress, come the general election, that his policies will be good for Hispanic citizens, but that he thinks illegal immigration is a problem for everyone, including Hispanic citizens.

* Yet another race-obsessed NYT mulatto author who cannot write in coherent English. And yes, Tomás Jiménez, an associate professor of sociology and comparative studies in race and ethnicity at Stanford University, looks exactly like what Steve’s long time readers would predict: 100% white European.


* As a Canadian watching from a distance I can’t help but cheer on Trump simply because of this purgative effect he’s having on your – and, unfortunately, my – political culture. I like that the Ms. Jenée Desmond-Harris types are now pooling around Hillary along with the neocons, cuckservatives, tranny washroom advocates, globalists, race hysterics and feisty gals.

Hillary is fast becoming a giant Scum Magnet. She’s pulling all the bad ideas and toxic people to her side. This is a good thing. Let her and her campaign act as a cathartic scapegoat for the American community. Let all the post-1968 bad ideas be tied to her just before she’s metaphorically driven off a cliff.

The fact that she’s a feisty White lady from a comfortable, old stock background just makes her even more ideal for her role in this purgative event. Putting bossy, WASP-y Hillary in the global village’s cucking stool is urgently needed now. It must be done and must be seen to be done by all the other bossy gals from comfortable backgrounds, from Helsinki to Seattle. Trump trumping Hillary in your presidential race is the ideal venue for this mother of all “teachable moments”. Trump’s showmanship will make sure it’s done well too. It would make the perfect matching book-end to the silly, feisty gals in Norway who gave Obama the Nobel Prize for no reason at all or for Merkel being Merkel.

* Do Black journalists who do not write about race even exist?

* A better approximation of a typical Trump supporter is that they feel they have the right to put Americans and America first, including non-white Americans citizens. And if that means cutting off the free ride of foreigners who are trying to mooch off the US taxpayer, or threatening the safety of the people, then too bad for them, regardless of whether they are predominately brown in aggregate.

Basically, the Trump supporter is giving the finger to the state ideology of the times, which holds that because most of those foreigners are non-white Mexicans and Muslims, that they are innocent angels due whatever they want as penance payment from (predominately white) American citizens for imagined/grossly exaggerated “sins” of white people in the past.

* Trump has called blacks “the blacks” – this is PROOF POSITIVE that he is a flaming racist Nazi. Any politically correct person knows not to call blacks “the blacks” this week, just as they know that this week you call the various flavors of sexual deviants not just “gay” but LGTBQ(XYZ). Personally I’m not a politically correct person so I don’t know the secret password for what it is correct to call black people (or gays) this week – it has changed at least 5 times in my lifetime, but whatever it is, it is not “the blacks”, that’s for sure.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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