The Wit & Wisdom Of Ann Coulter

From her Twitter account:

* Immigrants seamlessly assimilate to the Anglo-Saxon political process & abandon violent Latin American agitation.

* They should tell those rioters at Trump rallies that it’s actually a job fair. That oughtta keep ’em away.

* This ought to have ISIS shaking in their boots. U.S. West Point academy set for 1st woman dean in 2 century history.

* When I see these violent “protesters,” it makes me not only value the 1st amendment, but also the 2d.

* Violent mob trying to prevent Trump from speaking waving Mexican flags. BUILD THE WALL!

* More & more of our tax money goes to protect the public from violent 3d worlders invited to live in our country by Dems.

* These aren’t “protesters” — violent thugs have broken through barricades & are trying to bust into building to get Trump. Total 3rd World!

* FLASHBACK: Costa Mesa was also where Mexican protesters tried to shut down my book signing.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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