Steve Sailer: Mexican Flag-waving Mob Harassing Motorists Outside Trump Rally in Costa Mesa, CA



* Nothing like recruiting more support for Trump.

But then no one ever accused Mexicans of being smart.

* They always used to hand out American flags at the various pro-illegal rallies so as to manage the public’s perceptions even though in fact it meant nothing to those waving it. I guess this is closer to what their real feelings are.

* I think that some SJWs, BLM types, and other identity protesters are so certain of their own rightness in opposing “oppression”, “Fascism”, “Trumpism”, or whatever ism they project on those they hate, that they are oblivious to how they are coming across and how they are actually helping the side they oppose.

Nearly any demonstration that disrupts “business as usual”, which is to say which blocks commuters trying to get home, etc. just pisses off everyone stuck in traffic due to the demonstration. Add Mexican flags to it and it just feeds support for Trump.

This is not rocket science, but apparently many of these folks do not have a clue.

* No, not very smart. Mexican flags don’t really resonate with the American voter. It’s almost as if these demonstrators don’t actually know much about things of this sort.

This is like a classroom lab where we study what it is like to have a median IQ of about 92.5. Conclusion: You don’t really get what other people are thinking because you’re too damn stupid.

I think Griffe is right: the median IQ has to be above 105 for a group to have any semblance of functionality and civility in the modern world.

* Reminds me of the Million-Mexican March for immigration “amnesty” a decade ago in Los Angeles, which became a festival of La Raza strutting, taunting, and jeering while waving Mexican flags, almost calculated to brown off the American voters who the marchers were supposedly begging for favors.

* They don’t care about the visuals because they don’t care about America. That is how bad it is.

I sat next to a Latin American woman- completely pure European by looks – immigrant at dinner the other night. She absolutely admitted the US was a superior place to live, that her country was corrupt and did not work well and the US did work well or at least much better. She hated Trump. I said to her that Latin America really is dumping its poor population on us, and that population would not have an effect on her, or her wealthy husband and it did not directly hurt me but it did hurt the poor workers of the US who have to compete with ever more low end wage earners. And I realized, as I was speaking to her she did not care about poor workers of the US. She did not care about poor workers in her own country! why would she care about them in our country? But she can vote. And she will vote against Trump.

* Not to this extent but similar stuff occurred at the Trump rally in Fort Worth TX. The convention center grounds in downtown were filled mostly with very low key whites and driving around them, circling if you will, were these thuggish Mexican guys revving their trucks engines, honking their horns and brandishing Mexican Flags. Media seemed to be looking at everything else and I never saw coverage of it. Maybe because this was the event where Christie announced his endorsement (VP?), but I don’t think so. It was the most unnerving thing I had seen in a while and it might as well not have happened. Move along. Nothing to see here.

* Most Americans have no idea just how incredibly racist the Mexican upper class is, or how their racist mores permeate Mexican society. It’s been a number of years since I explored interior Mexico, but I remember that the billboard advertisements (Pasala SUPER!) were ALL gorgeous women with lily white skin. No diversity to be seen …. Why would they not have diversity in such ads? Because it doesn’t sell beer.

* One sure sign that the demonstration is an authentic Mexican expression and not a setup by Trumpsters is the presence of the chubby dude selling Mexican kewpie dolls and other knick-knacks in the top photo. Whenever there are more than 10 Mexicans gathered together anywhere those guys always appear selling their wares. That’s just a detail that would elude anybody in America’s political class because they stay as far away from Mexicans as they possibly can, Trumpsters included.

* A quick look at the LA Times and OC Register web sites show most of the pictures that show Mexican flags have been scrubbed. They did own up to most of the protesters being late-teens/early 20′s Latinos.

* Wow. The video of those hispanics amassing and converging on a pickup truck waiting at a stop light was terrifying. Imagine if there were kids in that truck. Jesus.

Those were some big fat skank lookin’ dudes. They weren’t like your average hispanic in California. Those were foreign-born hood rats. They looked fresh out of the rio grande. Not that long ago, it would be inconceivable that illegal aliens would actually riot in the streets of Costa fucking Mesa.

I remember when Costa Mesa was a nice, indescript little town. Nothing remotely of the kind ever went on there. Just horrendous.

From this day forward, before retiring, I will pray each night for Obama to suffer a stroke, leaving him without the memory of the english language, nor the ability to relearn it, so the rest of his wretched days are spent screaming at Michelle in guttural spanish.

* In Mexico there is a constant series of marches, demonstrations, parades, and protesters showing the public their attachment to one cause or another. It blocks busses and car traffic. Most days you can depend on the public transit but if there’s a manifestación you’re going nowhere.

The Mexico City Metro avoids the trouble, of course. It’s the best way to get across town anyway.

It might be the losing party in an election, the electrical workers’ union, the march for rights of women or indigenous people, students protesting something, or anything else. It’s just a part of the fabric of Mexican life that you show dissatisfaction by marching through town at rush hour.

I don’t find it charming and would prefer the authorities put a stop to it. I do get a little schadenfreude when the rich and heavily subsidized car drivers get stuck and we Metro riders have an easy time.

And sometimes the marchers are just tone deaf enough to march in the USA with Mexican flags. I don’t expect Americans will like it much as this practice grows and grows. But as there aren’t any Mexicans to speak of in swing states, it won’t affect the November results.

* One of the most redeeming qualities of Trump is his enemies. He is so terribly fortunate in his enemies.

I find Trump very distasteful and embarrassing, but when I see his enemies, my urge to vote for the man increases exponentially.

* I think it’s a mistake to build the wall where the border currently stands. It’s impossible to defend. We should mirror what the Israelis have done in Palestine and push the Mexicans into the area east of Coatzacoalcos and build a new cheaper, better border at the choke point running south of there. It’s a much gentler solution than using Panama as the choke point.

* You may try to swamp us with sheer numbers but remember; a disciplined band of well-organized, intelligent fighters will put to rout a disorganized rabble every time and every where. Remember the march of the Greek 10,000!

One white European is worth fifty sweatbacks in a fight. One day you will be marched back across the desert border in chains and we shall see how you celebrate then.

Mexico for Mexicans. America for Americans. My grandfather fought the cowardly Pancho Villa and hopefully, my grandchildren will fight yours. We could never bring Villa to battle because he ran around like the coward Mexicans males are, avoiding a direct confrontation at all costs. What a pathetic “hero” you blustering loudmouths worship.

Chicano Go Home! (and take your fat women with you).

* I guess freedom of speech and association are not bedrock values to Mexicans. Too bad we don’t have an American president these days, he would know what to do with foreign invaders attempting to threaten American freedoms and civil rights.

* If a black walks in front of one’s car — as several can be relied upon to do on any given drive through Detroit — you simply make it clear that you aren’t slowing, and they sensibly get out of the way. The average weight of these Mestizos appears to be well over three hundred pounds and without those all-important flags you might think it was a fat pride waddle. I would stop.
Several threads about this on fourchan last night, and all were characterized by people identifying as Hispanics and Mexicans, many with the IP-based national flag in their headers, saying how ashamed they were by this behavior.
The consensus was that this, like El Chapo’s brilliant idea of physically threatening American presidential candidates for having dared to call him a violent criminal, illustrates an under-appreciated reality for apoliticals and those Americans who have not followed the immigration story, and so helps Trump. A similar illustration was the classic Cartel massacre of eight members of an Ohio family tied to high-level marijuana growing: cartels behaving like cartels in Ohio will wake up people who had thought that Spanish-speaking areas could only be found in the South West.

* During the immigration battles of the 1990′s there were hordes of hispanics taking to the streets of Southern California and what the public saw was a sea of mexican flags. Then the popular radio personality Piolin (an illegal alien himself) told his listeners to leave the mexican flags at home and wave American flags instead. Apparently, either their forgetting that lesson or they are now so comfortable and arrogant they don’t think it matters.

* I worked in Las Vegas off and on between 1969 and 2004, and couldn’t get over how there were NO Mexicans, anywhere. Not even the laborers, waiters, busboys, or bar boys. It was all white kids from the local schools or guys who moved up from LA or from back East during a divorce. If a guy wanted to be a bartender, he had to be a bar boy 6 mo. per union rules. Musicians union also had a 6 mo wait period. There were lots of Jews and Italians..very few colored acts in the showrooms.

What a different world that was.

* Declaring victory is no different than declaring the debate is over, or the science is settled–reality is rarely accommodating to smug assertions. The need to do so is an indication of weakness.

* I am no expert in geography but it stands to reason there is likely to be within a landmass that has a ~2000 mile border where it currently stands and a ~50 mile width on the other end, that somewhere in the middle will be a better choke point than the 2000 mile one.

In this age open borders are promoted by both party establishments, which means that in practice, the border is not respected and people can move where they like and wave the flags of foreign governments. We should not at the same time play by “End of History” type rules where we cannot entertain fighting back with a similar lack of respect for borders. Let’s put it on the table. If it is ok for Israel, and it is ok for Russia, why is it not ok for the USA to look at doing the same thing?

And frankly, with the tacit encouragement of the burgeoning Chinese colony that is Shangcouver in the North – if the Canadians can’t govern like grownups in their own country, maybe the US should do it for them. As if President Zoolander would do anything about it, except send a strongly worded love letter.

* If Trump knows anything, it is that the key thing to understand about real estate is Location, Location, Location. I know with Mexico paying for the wall, cost is less an issue but still I think this merits some discussion if for nothing else than to move the Overton window.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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