I don’t care if this sounds awful, it makes sense to me. When a woman is giving birth, she probably doesn’t want to be cared for by out-groups. Why shouldn’t any mother be able to seek out the care she wants? Whatever happened to freedom of association?

Israel shows us the way forward. It is proud country run for the benefit of its majority. The West can learn from that.

Newsweek: It started on Tuesday morning, April 5, with an investigative report on Israeli radio news. Israeli hospitals were accommodating Jewish mothers who wished to give birth in separate rooms, rooms without any Israeli Arabs.

This was taking place even though it violated the official policy of the Ministry of Health and the officially stated policy of the administrations of each of the hospitals.

The evidence was undeniable. Tapes were recorded of women calling the hospitals in question to ask whether it would be possible for them to not be placed in rooms with non-Jews. In all but two cases, the women were answered in the affirmative.

A public storm ensued. To date, Israeli hospitals have been one of the central institutions known for their integration, where a large number of Arab-Israeli doctors and nurses serve together with their Jewish-Israeli counterparts—and where no one questions the fact that Arab and Jewish Israelis are treated and served equally.

This public controversy might have been a five-minute story had it not been for a Knesset member from the right-wing Bayit Yehudi party. Bezalel Smotrich was unable to contain himself. He tweeted that after giving birth, his wife wanted quiet and did not want to be in a noisy room where Arab parents might hold a hafla (a rowdy party of celebration).

Not to be outdone, his wife gave a radio interview and said she does not want her newborn Jewish infant touched by non-Jewish hands. Then, Smotrich, not wanting to be outdone himself, stated that he does not want his newborn baby to be in the same room with an Arab infant who a few years from now will try to kill his child.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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