Is Trump Scots-Irish?

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Trump’s people have a lot in common with the FDR coalition and more generally with the old Democratic party, he gets urban ethnics, backwoods folk and Southerners on the same page.

* But what did FDR ever win?

* Does southeast England have a 5-10 IQ point advantage over the rest of England? The prosperity of southeast England and New England would support this.

* Anyone in the UK, who has both talent and ambition, knows that moving to London & the Southeast corner of the UK is a good move because that is where,
(a), the HQs of most big companies /organisations are
(b) that’s where the money is because that is where the large Government budgets are distributed .
( c) A disproportionate volume of trade is centred on London/Southeast because it’s only a short (20 miles) trip across the English Channel to the large European markets.
Thus, this corner of the UK has a huge natural advantage and, yes, it will accrue a higher than average IQ pool, not from its own populace but by talented people moving there.
A similar effect happened to Edinburgh after 1999. The the Scottish Parliament was re-established … and with its own Budget, companies and lobbyists flocked there because they wanted a piece of the government pie.
House & office prices soared as more talented and high IQ folk moved there from other places.

* How many smart people have ever gone to Cambridge University?

* So, Trump’s granny was a Wee Free? That’s hilarious – they’re the least Trumpish people on the planet.

One of Thatcher’s Lord Chancellors was a Wee Free – Lord McKay. He used to shave on a Saturday night to avoid breaking the Sabbath. IIRC he was eventually excommunicated for attending the funeral of a Roman Catholic friend.

* Trump’s just a New Yorker, I don’t think it is more complicated than that.

* Trump will have a serious problem with Upper Midwestern Scandi/German types. His personalty will grate them to no end, easily to the point of them not listening to his ideas. His personality is everything that they despise, especially from East Coasters.

I know these people. They are good, trusting and industrious; however, they hate (and I mean deep-in-their bones hate) cocky arrogance, at least from other whites. They can tolerate quiet confidence – very quiet – but anything beyond that steams them. (A business professor of mine once told me that the Japanese and Minnesotans liked doing business with one another because they had similar ideas on personal manners, i.e. their great fear was offending each other.)

Also, most of these people live in very white areas so they’ll still vote on obsolete Left-Right politics, which means that not only will Trump’s personality offend them, his very moderate political ideas will make him not a true “conservative.” They haven’t gotten the Lee Kuan Yew’s message yet.

* If this election were in a Troloppe novel, it would have all been planned long in advance in someone’s Scottish estate. Oh wait, it was.

* If there’s anyone who’s an expert on Appalachian life, it would be Yoni Applebaum.

This is just a way of tarring Trump by association with toothless hillbillies and KKK’ism:

“[Trump is like] other politicians who have projected dominance, flaunted intolerance, promised pugilism, and fanned racial and ethnic resentments.” [I think that pretty well describes Obama but I don’t think that’s who he has in mind.]

It’s really not worth giving pieces like this serious consideration. They might as well just skip all the pseudo-sophisticated analysis and just type over and over “Warning: Trump is a bad man. Trump is a bad man.” This is like the mirror image of the puff pieces written about Obama 8 years ago, which would start from the conclusion that Obama was the Bringer of Hope and Change and work backward to explain why that was. Not very far under the paper thin layer of intellectual filigree is a very simple black and white view of the world.

* If you can’t trust a man called Yoni Applebaum to tell the truth about a White man who doesn’t bend over for the Narrative Gatekeepers, who can you trust?

* The accusations of “Nazi” sympathies in Trump shows how illiterate our media and left wing political class has become. The word “Nazi” has become like the word “fascist”, and they both mean the same thing in modern discourse: “something someone on the left does not like”. But that is why I always enjoy calling someone on the Left, “fascist” or even “Nazi”. It confuses them and even renders them speechless at times. Calling them “Stalinist” might be considered a compliment, so I avoid that one.

Whatever his background, I see Trump as a pre-1965 American who simply looked around and said: “What the hell is going on here … in immigration, in defense spending, in trade” whatever, all things no one ever truly debates. And those are questions the political class, the media industrial complex, the foreign policy institutions, the bureaucratic class do not want asked. Even to raise these questions is to invite accusations of “nazi” sympathies or even insanity. Why is that? That is another question no one asks. Why is a debate on NATO somehow the equivalent of calling for the abolition of the First Amendment? Does no one find this odd?

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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