Jews 4 Gentiles

My rebbe says: Had you listened to me over the years you would now be on your second or third hot wife.

You failed to even try establishing the program (the Luke Ford Diversity Hour) that might have made you rich and famous. Here’s one more chance, possibly your last: As rosh yeshiva of a school to teach the child-like goy to think like a Jew in pursuing group interests.

Start a yeshiva for goyim: “Jewish Survival Techniques for Gentiles”

Rav Luke Ford, Gadol Hador of the goyim. Why not?

You are fast closing in on 50. You need a new shtick. You spend too much time thinking about yourself. Think about the plan you do or do not have for your sixth decade of life, not the hot women you had in the past. What is the state of your retirement planning?

My idea for starting a yeshiva for goyim makes sense and you should pursue it. Sure it is worth a laugh or two, but it still makes sense. Might even lead you into a career in politics.

The best time to act is when there is blood in the streets, as there will be once it is clear Trump will not be our next president.

You would do well to position yourself NOW to help out all of those soon to be disappointed young goyim out there, especially the males. You could be their voice.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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