The Benefits Of Rounding Up Gangbangers

Steve Sailer writes: According to reporter Sam Quinones, this 11-year-old government program of mass round-ups of gangbangers really works. My recollection was that in 2005, around the time Los Angeles elected its first Mexican mayor in a century, overgrown juvenile delinquent Antonio Villaraigosa, there was a surge in violence and graffiti, which is turf-marking.

Ironically, the former mayor Jim Hahn was defeated in 2005 for the best thing he’d done as mayor — dumping the black police chief and replacing him with Giuliani’s former top cop William Bratton, who is probably the smartest strategist in a field that doesn’t attract all that much brainpower. Hahn’s hiring Bratton broke apart the fragile black-white coalition that had helped Hahn defeat Villaraigosa in 2oo1.

But Bratton had a new trick up his sleeve. According to an article by Quinones a couple of years ago, Bratton introduced to the LAPD a new strategy to crush gangs in conjunction with federal help.

Traditionally, the LAPD had focused on arresting the “kingpins,” the leaders of the gangs. Kill the head and the body will die! This assumed, however, that there were a few really bad criminals and a lot of marginal kids who would straighten up and fly right once the malign influence of the kingpin was gone. Instead, removing the leadership just led to wars to become leaders.

So, LAPD started using federal RICO indictments to round up all the foot soldiers in massive military-like operations and then packing them off to federal penitentiaries in places like Arkansas, where there was no infrastructure for Latino prison gangs like the Mexican Mafia to control the streets of California from inside the joint in the middle of the country.


* This is not the Italians. They have tats on their face. Nothing could possibly be easier than arresting these people. They have half the understanding and score settling mentality as the blacks do.

* $20 bucks says that everyone of these guys deported originally walked across the border. And without a fence, they will just walk back in again. This is why the $4-12 billion we will spend on a fence will pay itself back in a few short years. It is not just the quantity of the illegals but the quality as well.

* I wonder why Hispanic on African American gang killings make up less than 10 percent of African American related homicide deaths? Is it because even most Dindus know not to F with MS-13 and Mexican street gangs with direct ties to Mexican drug cartels? Or is it a residential segregation factor where the Hispanic underclass do not interact with the African American underclass very often?

* Hispanics have been ethnically cleansing south central LA for years, with blacks outbred and underbid in job markets. Those actions hurt the black gangs economically as their primary local customers ended up relocating to San Bernardino, Victorville and similar cheaper locales.

* So the feds spend billions of our tax dollars to play Whack-A-Mole against Imported Third World gangbangers, and to use the – completely avoidable – playing of Whack-A-Mole as a convenient cover for constantly ramping up the police-surveillance-security state.

This begs the question: Why do so many Americans submit to our Dear Rulers importing Third World and Islamic haystacks which compel us to hazard our American lives and to spend our tax dollars to search for the needles therein?

* I was in rehab (outpatient) recently. Most of my fellow attendees were there under duress, i.e., court ordered for DUI, shooting shit up (gunz not jus’ needles), etc., but mein Frau’s Versichurung covered it, so I was like the only middle class white dude there. Data point: most of us were, in fact, white.

Anyway, I spent most of my time in a decrepit ranch praying that the oak tree hanging over my property didn’t to commit suicide and fall on my roof, and, like any real gamer, playing Fallout: New Vegas whilst quaffing the sweet, sweet nectar of the children of a lesser god that is Dubra and reading iSteve after the immolation of my third tier toilet legal career for the last couple of years and, thus, I was taken aback by all the young dudes and dudettes with their tattoos who don’t read the news.

I mean, one girl was so pretty that she made yer eyes melt like gazing at the Ark of the Covenant (and had great I was a junkee stories and did craaazzzy shit stories to tell), but had tattoos branded on her neck. I don’t white knight anymore, but, man, I was almost like “Hard to see eye to eye with a girl who only stands collar bone high, but is there anyone I could kill for you?” But, really, all of them were drowning in ink. We had to check in the morning and my fellow addicts were always like “yeah, I went home, didn’t drink, my life still sucks, but, hey, went to a meeting and gottta tattoo.”

The place was run by SJW’s who got offended at the word retard. Good news: most white proles like to say the word retard. Apparently, they did not get the notice. Although, they maybe got the 10% discount from the coupon bug for dumb ass tattoos at “My Life sucks, but I Have a Tattoo, Tattoo Shop, LLC.”

Anyway – based on what I learned about their lives, most of them, in a different time and place, probably would have been fine. Like myself I guess. Now they, aren’t. A lot of it is due to H brought it by Mexican Drug Gangs. Let’s hear it for diversity. Most of the packies my my area are run by Pakis.

I figure it has to do with the end of the white world as we knew it. I get why MS13 dudes are willing to tat up, but yer average white white prole who is 20 years old, never in the service, not a gang member, well, it’s end of days stuff.

* Hillary promises to deport only the illegal aliens who commit violent crimes. So drug smugglers, gun smugglers, human traffickers, identity thieves, medicare and tax fraudsters, and habitual burglars are welcome to stay here and make America whole again.

* Import the Third World, create a fragmented, low-trust society needing saturation-level surveillance. It suits the elites to lord it over a populace that’s a combination of low-IQ non-whites and defeated, demoralised whites, all being watched and herded around by the state.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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