Do you think we’ll have targeted assassinations and killings in the run up to the US election?

America is about to explode over Donald Trump. We’re right on the edge of killing.

The critics of Trump says he’s Hitler. To kill a Hitler is a mitzvah in many minds. The crazies are picking up this talk and may well act on it. On the other hand, white nationalists are desperate for Trump to win. They’ll stop at nothing to put him over the top. I wouldn’t be surprised to see them assassinate those who get in Trump’s way.


“Bad vibes.” “Scary.” “Tense.” “Physical.” “New level of menace.” “Vicious.”

Those are the words used by reporters who covered the New Orleans campaign rally by leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump Friday evening to describe the leftist anti-Trump protesters who disrupted the rally and the reactions of fed-up Trump supporters.

There was even a report that Trump’s campaign manager was personally escorting protesters out of the rally.

Trump New Orleans
Image via Twitter.

“New Orleans protesters second line outside of Trump Rally at Lakefront Airport”

“Tonight was the most intense rally I’ve witnessed so far on the trail. This is just a clip:”

“NEW ORLEANS —This evening Trump rally has a bad vibe. Already a dozen angry protestors, many of them resisting and getting dragged out.”

“NEW ORLEANS — Never been at a Trump rally where protestors have been so disruptive, physical.”

“That was a tense rally. Scary at points.”

“Tense confrontations broke out at @realDonaldTrump’s rally in New Orleans moments ago.”

“NEW ORLEANS — Donald Trump’s campaign manager is having to personally escort out protestors at this rally.”

YouTube videos of protesters being ejected.


“Sign at Trump rally — “Trump Duke 2016” and “KKK 4 Trump””

“crowd here is angry. protester w KKK trump sign got it ripped away and then small fight ensued #trump”

“”This is a wild evening. This is one hell of a way to spend a Friday night,” Trump says, as yet another protestor gets hustled out.”

More from NBC’s Katy Tur via Twitter:

3 interruptions so far at Trump’s NOLA event. The crowd is deafening. Yells echoing thru the hangar as they turn against protestors.”

The thunderous echo in this airplane hangar is adding a new level of menace to the tone of tonight’s rally.”

A group of African American BLM protestors w their hands up standing their ground for ~10 mins. The crowd is getting vicious.”

Protestors now interrupting nearly every event. I’m told Trump team has added extra security for the crowd to throw out protestors.”

Trump camp brought back the candidate’s old security team (pre ss) to deal with the increasingly rowdy crowds.”

“BLM vs Security vs Crowd.”

A ray of hope was found in the crowd.

“Meet Nelson, dems’ worst nightmare: lifelong dem, marched w MLK, switched party 2 mos ago. Trump’s “struck a nerve.””

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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