Why Doesn’t Europe Defend Itself From The Muslim/African Invasion Of Refugees?

Steve Sailer writes: “It’s almost as if Europe should have policies in place to defend itself from being overrun by guys in shiny tracksuits so that it doesn’t really matter what Putin is up to with regard to immigration in Western Europe.”

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Basically anti-immigrationists are to be regarded like communists in the Cold war, as Russia’s potential fifth column. Really perverse how the nation-wreckers are trying to cloak their project in the language of patriotism.

* It’s almost as if nobody has any idea what is going on besides the people rushing in for free stuff and unprosecuted rapes.


People respond to incentives. Stop incentivizing crime, start enforcing laws.

For the love of god, Europeans take back your countries and restore order.

For the future well-being of the world to be ensured, the future well-being of European ancestry countries must be ensured.

Europeans brought the modern world into existence. If European ancestry countries decay, so goes the world. If Europeans flourish, the world flourishes.

* “Russians are messing with our patriotic duty to abolish ourselves!!!”

But the irony.

During the Cold War, the West encouraged nationalism in Eastern Europe to undermine Soviet domination.

Now, Russia is encouraging nationalism in the West to undermine EU domination.

But for real patriots, Putin is doing them a favor.

A scream that says WAKE UP, DAMMIES!!!

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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