The White Death and the Black Death

Steve Sailer writes:

I coined the term “the White Death” to refer to the rise in death rates among non-elderly whites during this century. It appears to be related to overdoses from prescription painkillers and heroin. Nobody paid much, if any, attention to it until economist Angus Deaton put out a paper on it last fall right after he won the econ (quasi-)Nobel.

“The Black Death” can refer to the >16 percent rise in homicide rates in big cities in 2015 over 2014. Nobody has crunched the numbers by race yet, but most of this appears to be a spike in black-on-black murders. This is likely related in some manner to Black Lives Matter agitation against law and order.


* Let’s see–you unceasingly demonize whites, swamp their communities with hostile aliens, mock their race, religion and culture–if not outright ban it, tear down their monuments, vilify their heroes, ignore their accomplishments, obsess about their ancestor’s failings, prevent them from being able to defend themselves, off-shore their jobs, destroy their savings, dismiss or pathologize their complaints (“hate!” “fear!” “anxiety!”), and promote every kind of idiocy, barbarism, perversion, guilt, and insanity to their children through a constant onslaught of “entertainment” media, advertising, and “education” (read: indoctrination)…
…and then wonder why they’re succumbing to addictions and self-destructive lifestyles.

* Poor baby lost his confederate monuments and feels uncomfortable being a racist in public… boohoo. If you don’t like what is on the TV, turn it off, or better still, throw it out. How many more excuses do you have for justifying sitting around whining?

* Speaking personally, the recreational use of prescription drugs for my generation (I’m 28) starts with an artist I can’t help but feel much love for: Eminem.

People about my age will remember exactly what they’ve likely forgotten over the last ten or twelve years: vicadin was not in the vocabulary til he started singing about it.

Em eventually went to rehab, and then again, and again, and last I heard the last time they had to teach him how to talk again.

You slit your wrists because it makes you feel alive. That’s something most don’t understand, much less bother to think about. You take vicadin because it makes you forget your alive. The point of music is to forget yourself in the moment. These things are not intellectual. Which is why its so hard to pin them down, and I guess point the finger whence they spring.

* The good news if you can call it that, is more and more whites are cognizant of a undeclared war on them and their country. Trump is bringing a lot of it out into the open with his fights against the establishment/globalists.

I think the $64 thousand dollar question if this results in the destruction of the social contract between white Americans and the government(which is quite frayed from what I see).

* The reality is that people aren’t doing opioids because society is mean to them. They’re doing opioids because they *feel really good* and have become much easier to access. Initially because of Big Pharma pushing their pills, and now because of Mexican drug cartels.

I know it’s more emotionally satisfying to blame this all on liberals for being mean to working class whites, but if you’re actually interested in ending this, you have to stop the massive quantities of heroin being shipped into our country.

China fought a war to keep opium out of their country. We’re allowed to build a wall.

* The polarization of left and right is to a large extent genetic and arises from two different reproductive strategies. Either you produce as many offspring as you can, as quickly as you can, and leave them to their fate, or you delay breeding until you have found a high quality mate, then invest heavily in the upbringing of fewer offspring. The former is typical of prey species, the latter of predators. Both strategies are employed by humans (e.g. the love-rat fathering umpteen babies with different mothers vs the church-going moralist who has 2.2 children and sees them through college). The maths are very complicated (I studied them as an undergraduate, during a course on population biology) and neither strategy is definitively superior – ‘superior’ in the sense that the organism’s DNA has a better chance of reproducing itself. The thinking behind this goes by the name of the ‘r/K selection theory’. It has been criticized in recent years, but the basic structure is in my opinion sound.

The strategies are mutually incompatible. The tendency for ‘r’ (leftist) behaviour to manifest is in part epigenetic and triggered by stress and other negative environmental factors. K (rightist) behaviour is likewise partly epigenetic in expression and flourishes in stable societies, such as the U.S. up to about 1970, or Britain from about 1750 to 1963, when the Profumo affair can be seen as the first herald of the coming collapse.

We are animals first and human beings second. An r individual wants to create more like himself and favours a chaos in which resources can be freely plundered. A K individual is similar, except that he favours stability and long-term planning. The Ks and rs are genetic enemies: the r sees the K as standing in his way, and the K sees the r as a feckless wastrel who threatens his genetic future. That is why the confrontation between left and right is so bitter and intransigent; there is no effective middle way, except to withdraw. The second comment you quote is a perfect r reponse to your uncomprehending complaint, which is pure K. The hate is in indeed real, but don’t take it personally. Your opponents don’t understand themselves and are biologically incapable of seeing the folly of their ways.

* I was a pain pill addict for 14 years starting in the year 2000. I got sober 2 years ago. Here are some observations based on my experience that you guys might find useful.

1. Most of the people I bought and did pills with were white. There were blacks who used and sold pills but they were all young. I never bought pills from a black person over 30 but I bought from a lot of older white people, especially older white women.

2. There were two kinds of pills prescribed by two different kinds of doctors. The first kind were your hydrocodone, percocet and vicodin. These were prescribed by PCP’s, most often to women. They’d get a few refills on the script then go back to the doctor and get a few more. Most would get cut off at some point. This type was especially prevalent from the early to mid 2000′s.

The second type were oxycontin and roxicodone prescribed by pain management doctors. I personally didn’t come across these until the late 2000′s/early 2010′s. These doctors over prescribe like crazy. The people I knew who went to these doctors were all male. My connection was a guy who had knee surgery 4 years previous who went to the pain doctor every month and got 150-200 roxicodone 30 mg pills. He was in no pain whatsoever and did not need the drugs. He only got them to sell on the street. Roxicodone is like oxycontin: no acetaminophen. They are crazy strong. I cannot imagine that anyone could need or even take 150 of those things a month. It was ridiculous.

3. I never heard of any of these drugs till 1999 or so. I certainly don’t remember any adults talking about being on pain meds when I was growing up in the 80′s and early 90′s. It seems either new drugs came on the market or there was a change in attitude among doctors to prescribing these drugs or both.

4. It seemed to me that in the mid 90′s there was a move towards more hedonism in general. Adults who I’d never know to drink were suddenly boozing it up, marijuana was starting to get big again and the whole “Girls Gone Wild” culture was starting up. It seems this more permisisve attitude coincided with the easier availability of pain meds.

5. Maybe more whites did pills because they were more likely to have health insurance? Maybe doctors were less likely to prescribe them to blacks for fear they’d abuse them? Apologies if this has been mentioned here before.

6. I never knew anyone who overdosed or did heroin.

7. Has anyone seen the commercials on T.V. lately that are advertising meds for constipation that is caused by pain pills?

* Prescription drug overdose is a form of suicide and suicide rates are much higher for Whites than Blacks or Hispanics.

* Whites tend to have a higher proportion of combination of “subsaharian” and “east Asian” psychological traits. Some people, namely among Nordic and teutonics, can born with double risk, for example, suicide and drug addiction. Interestingly Latin speaker europeans seems less likely to become addicted or alcoholic.

But also the environmental conditions seems have a impact, what I called “shared unique/personal environment-gene interaction”. When circumstances and its genetic/behavioral dispositions worship against or for you.

Our environment also are not a blank paper specially in long term stabilized environments.

For example, we can predict in early age who will suffer systematic-sadistic persecution in school or who will likely to become a popular.

* Meanwhile, yet another Establishment media outlet stands on the sidelines and mocks us. This week it’s David Rothkopf at Foreign Policy:

The End of an Era … for White Males

“As demographics change, so does the definition of privilege.
A shrink I knew once said that if a reaction is out of proportion with its alleged cause, then there’s a piece of the story that has been omitted. In this case, the politicians in America and Europe who spew nationalist bile and fan the flames of anti-immigrant furor are tapping into a growing if unconscious cultural recognition that time is running out on what has been the world’s most privileged ethnic class.”

I don’t think it’s been good for us to have a governing class that delights in our destruction and celebrates our every setback. Am I mentally ill to believe this? I don’t think so. Am I “racist” to feel like the epidemic of drug overdoses hitting blue-collar Whites of West Virginia are hitting my people, even though I’m Canadian and white-collar? I guess so, but I’m fine with that now. The last decade has transformed my views on such things.

If the current ruling class didn’t want us to identify as a people then they shouldn’t have attacked us as a people. I think they chose their enemy poorly; I would not have chosen to take on us White men if I were them. Be that as it may, it’s game on now.

* I left England in 1980 and went to live and work in Bermuda. At that time I noticed that it was quite common for single black women to have children by two or more fathers, and for children to be adopted by neighbors or close family members. I remember thinking at the time that if a woman wanted a child to take care of her in her old age, the chances of getting a good one would be improved by diversifying the fathers so as to obtain different genes and more family connections. This was many years before I ever read Dawkins.

However I never thought that this was really a conscious decision–just a pattern of behavior that was frowned upon, but not considered in any way scandalous.

* To liberals, whites are evil for selling dope to the Chinese. White folks PUSHED dope on the Chinese.

To the very same liberals, Mexicans are NOT evil for selling dope to Americans. White folks DEMAND dope from Mexicans.

To liberals, neither Mexicans nor Chinese have moral agency. They are dust motes buffeted by white winds.

* But it was more than big pharma. There was a entire medical sub-specialty (“pain management”) rising in the 90′s with doctors families’ mouths to feed and bar-mitzvah’s to pay for.

* If white people don’t toughen up and fight they deserve what they get. The only people fighting are the ones who are short a few brain cells: the Oregon occupiers have to be the most strategically clueless group of people anywhere.

If someone says something in your personal life or work life that is disrespectful to whites do you say something or hide what you are feeling and sulk in private? Everyone American white I’ve ever seen just sulks.

Say something. I do. Losers cower, winning groups speak up. Your silence is the reason white people are going down in flames.

None of this is meant to imply be a racist d#$k. Half the comments since moving to have been borderline KKK. What I’m saying is that white people have the exact same right to be comfortable in their own skin as any other group.

* Trump is the only candidate I’ve seen who links building a wall to stopping the flow of drugs. Talk about a superb rationale for building a wall, that’s it. Of course, Dumb White Liberals get all huffy and hypocritical on the issue of drugs. On the one hand, they want more drug treatment and view drug addicts with tremendous non-judgmental sympathy. On the other hand, when Mexico’s nefarious role in the drug trade enters the discussion, DWLs suddenly put on their personal responsibility hats, blaming the “white suburban” addicts for “causing” the mayhem in Mexico. Go to a NY Times comment thread sometime if you don’t believe me, it’s truly hilarious.

* I have completely given up trying to debate with leftists at all. We share little if any common ground anymore. At best, such debates devolve into mockery, and at worst into outright outrage. There are no winners. No one learns anything. The virtue of civil debate is dying rapidly and the left seems to be killing it the most quickly.

My mental health has improved immensely since I stopped engaging with them.


* Obesity and SSI-disability receipt are perhaps the best predictors of the county-level White Death rates. Alcoholism and suicide must be part of the package, too.

My general thought about the Black Death is that it follows a collapse of the (within-community) conservatism of many black leaders that probably contributed to some of the fall in crime rates since 1999; it’s worth noting that for example the NAACP largely supported welfare reform in 1995. The last few years have been about an institutionalized and collective forgetting of the hard-won lessons of the social disintegration and crime wave of 1969-1989 black America.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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