Comment: “Colin Liddell over at Alternative Right has evaluated some suggestions on how to alleviate the sexual tensions of the male migrants. It makes for some depressing reading and he admits that there’s no viable solution.

My guess is that the authorities opt for a prostitution/pornography solution, but the results will be disappointing and Western women will end up travelling only under escort.”

Colin Liddell writes:

Tensions are high all over Europe because of Muslim acts of terrorism and rape, the latest ones being the mob attacks on German women in Cologne.

While acts of terrorism will come and go, and may even abate for long periods of time thanks to the efficiency of our surveillance and police states, acts of Muslim rape are much less likely to cease. They will continue to be a regular and recurring phenomenon wherever Muslim migrants are housed, and can be expected to keep tensions between migrants and the locals simmering over.

This is because out of the vast numbers of migrants who have arrived in Europe last year – conservatively estimated at between 750,000 and 1,500,000 – and those who will arrive this year, the overwhelming majority are, and will continue to be, young men. One estimate is that 72% of them are adult men, with just 13% women, and 15% children. Many of the “children” are teenage boys, already feeling the first stirrings of sexual desire, while most of the adult men are in the more sexually virile or incontinent age groups of twenties and thirties.

In other words, the great majority of these “Muslimmivaders” are males of an age at which they think almost ceaselessly about sex, but without any sexual outlets of their own, such as wives or girlfriends.

Added to this, it is a highly significant fact that these young men are moving from societies where women are routinely covered up and jealously guarded to societies where they are allowed to wear whatever or as little as they like, and are unguarded.

The obvious outcome of all this is that those countries that are most accommodating to the refugees can also expect to be on the receiving end of having their women regularly raped.

From a right-wing perspective this is unacceptable for obvious reasons that do not need to be stated, but even from a left-wing perspective this is deeply problematic, as it means that the leftist goal of assimilating these non-Europeans into European society will become even more unrealistic and hopeless than it already is. Areas with large refugee populations are doomed to become increasingly polarized, as locals grow to distrust and hate the incomers and the incomers are taught to resent that.

Rape and sexual assaults, rather than terrorism, will therefore be the factor driving the two groups apart and keeping them that way, with the end result that migrants will become an increasing welfare burden and security risk.

Alt-Rightists, of course, have a simple and elegant solution for all this, but, as we are only a tiny minority politically, it may be more useful to address this problem in terms that our political opponents may be ready to concede, and by doing so gradually push them to a position of reductio ad absurdum.

So, setting aside the obvious solution of deporting the migrants (or locking them up), the only plausible way to prevent this rape tsunami is first to acknowledge the key fact of massive gender disparity among the migrants, and secondly to directly address the problem of sexual needs that this creates.

There are four obvious – and non-partisan – ways in which the problem can be dealt with, namely:

Balancing the number of male and female migrants
Providing local women
Providing alternatives to women
Chemical castration

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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