Rape Culture Around The World

Anatoly Karlin writes: In short, there are reasons why women in the Middle East, South Asia, and apparently (if to a smaller extent) in Central America are segregated and kept out of the workforce. The rare stupid foreign woman who insists on making an exception is quickly schooled in local mores (just Google search “Tahrir” and “female journalist”).

That is because these societies – the ones European elites are importing en masse – have evolved their own set of solutions to the issues they have with violence against women.

Laugh at her as you will, but in a way the feminist/Green mayor of Cologne, Henriette Reker, is far more reasonable in her advice to women in an Islamizing country that they would do well to self-segregate themselves – keep men at an arm’s distance, stay in groups, avoid public gatherings – than her critics, the blank slate true believers, who imagine that a Pakistani youth plucked out of his village will automatically start behaving like a European when transposed to a German metropolis.


* In this new, improved Germany her actions and advices are much more sound than I expected.

Thats terrible, but this is the world Germans are making for themselves. And I was making fun from the poor, insane feminist trying her best in the new insane Germany. Sorry Henriette, you really are a light unto your nation. Keep up the good work!

* M’thinks these New Year’s eve sexual assaults, wilding attacks in Germany will be a lot like the Central Park wilding attacks, gang rape and near murder of the White female jogger. The backlash brought about the defeat of Lib Black Dem mayor David Dinkins and the election of Mayor Rudy Guliani and the restoration of civilization in New York City.

The current mayor of Cologne Germany is a straight out of Central Casting idiot Liberal woman who blamed the women victims not the Arab/Muslim migrant sexual assaulters. This woman is going to be toast, here’s hoping Merkel loses more than just her job as Chancellor.

* People are not entirely dumb; whether the migrant from a culture prone to violence against women checks himself or lets himself go depends to some extent on their estimate of how likely they are to be punished and how desirable it is to rapidly integrate into the local milieu. For example, I would wager (without any data obviously) that if Syrian refugees arrive in small numbers in a very well-policed East Asian country and are explicitly told (by earlier migrants, first and foremost; and by everyone else they meet) that the local Nipponese police (I am NOT referring to actually-existing Japan, whose police are actually thought of as something of a soft touch) treats criminals VERY harshly and tends to “find their man”, and is never told that he has a right to rape Nipponese women because Nippon is responsible for all his woes…well, that man is very likely to behave rather better than the average ethnic-Nipponese-trash living in the neighborhood. In ALL the “better behaved” countries, the local underclass regularly beats women under their control, and especially so when drunk.
But this newfound code of good behavior does not apply to the bride he may import later from back home. SHE may get it bad. I would wager (again, without data, but with multiple anecdotes known to me) that girls from back home brought to marry working class migrants in Nipponia will be mistreated at rates that may be even higher than girls back home (though may or may not be higher than those of the local underclass).. Actual physical beating may be deterred by fear of the Nipponese police, but barely so. Girls will know their place, or will face a lot of disciplining. Since they too are not dumb, and the messaging is clear and is reinforced by the in-laws of all description, most will not need to be actually beaten.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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