
Comments to Steve Sailer:

* What German police need to do is set up a Morals Police division like Saudi Arabia to stop woman from walking around unescorted and to make sure they wear appropriate Burka’s so they don’t lure poor innocent immigrant men by showing off their ankles and faces.

* Lawrence Auster’s First Law:

“The worse any designated minority or alien group behaves in a liberal society, the bigger become the lies of Political Correctess in covering up for that group. Thus, instead of the revelation over the last 14 months of Islam’s dangerous and savage character leading (as would happen in a rational world) to a major discrediting of Muslims, or at least to a more sceptical attitude toward them, it has led to their being more favored, more coddled and more protected from criticism than ever before. They now get a whole new level of solicitous, sycophantic treatment, ranging from PBS “histories” of Islam that are more full of uncritical celebration of their subject than a tourist travelogue, to the media’s constant attacks on the rest of us for indulging in an anti-Muslim backlash which has somehow never occurred.

“That last point leads us to the first corrolary of Auster’s First Law of Majority/Minority Relations in Liberal Society: The more egregiously any non-Western or non-white group behaves, the more evil whites are made to appear for noticing and drawing rational conclusions about that group’s bad behavior.”

* Yes, we on the American Right are trying to warn and help our brothers and sisters in Europe, because Americans are still some of the best and least cynical people you will find on the planet. However, if I were to give in to darker, ambivalent feelings of schadenfreude, I would say it serves them right for how snotty and superior they have behaved toward American culture wars for decades. They have snorted at our guns for defense, the high crime and soaring prison demographics. Now they will see. It’s the beauty of diversity. Thank God and the American system we still have our guns.

* Whatever happens, we don’t want to start down that slippery slope of “blaming the perpetrator”.

Because Hitler.

Incidentally, according to Wikipedia, the phrase “blaming the victim” was coined by William Ryan in a book that was specifically written to challenge the Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s “The Negro Family: The Case for National Action” (the Moynihan Report). Ryan accused Moynihan of “blaming the victim” in ascribing black social pathology to the breakdown in family structure.

So the feminists don’t really own that whole idea anyway, and they should just shut up about it and get used to be being groped by feral third-worlders, I suppose.

* The media have lied about the extent of anti-white racial violence for decades – helped by the fact that until now most of it was in the poorest areas – with the police covering it up also to avoid getting attacked by the media.

Merkel’s blitzrape of Germany has brought it out into the open.

* I have read that the Cologne police have no suspects in the New Year’s Eve incidents. I suspect that this means that they intend to perform no genuine investigation. Maybe the work of Bismarck needs to be undone and Germany should redivide into its previous constituent parts–at least a few of these might find the will for self-preservation.

* Young German women have for so long been world champions at adventurous travel.

At least now they can enjoy the benefits of travel… without burning so much kerosene which tragically contributes to the greenhouse effect. They can now be culturally enriched by exotic vibrant dark morgenländische Gestalten in their very own home towns.

* Where’s FEMEN in all of this? What we need now is a FEMEN protest with bare breasts. They do this at the drop of a hat in front of a Catholic Church or inside an Orthodox Cathedral. Now we really have a misogynistic group of men attacking gals. Isn’t this what FEMEN was supposed to protest?

* In November 2014, five male African-American students were arrested for sexually assaulting a female student (race unknown to the public) at William Paterson University in Paterson, New Jersey. A newspaper article from that time summarized the incident as follows:

The men … blocked the residence hall doorway, restrained the victim, and demanded that she have sex with all five of them …..

Before the attack began, [one of the men] Collick allegedly said that if the victim “wanted to have sex with him she would have to have sex with all of them,” …. He then made the statement, “Well, let’s have sex,” ….

The lights and television at the dorm room … were shut off and someone blocked the door ….

At some point during the assault, [another of the men] Latimer an 18-year-old student … walked into the room asking what was going on, according to one complaint. When another defendant replied that they were having sex with the victim, Latimer said, “Oh word, can I jump on that?” according to the complaint. Latimer then allegedly forced the victim to perform oral sex before penetrating her ….

… university president Kathleen Waldron said she was “angry and dismayed that this crime was committed on our campus and allegedly by students,” adding that she had “deep concern” for the “courageous victim.”

Waldron summarily expelled all five male students from the university.

However, in January 2015 a grand jury decided not to indict any of the five students. A newspaper article about that decision remarked that the five accused students were supported by many other students who knew them.

The five men had support on campus … with several students saying they never doubted they were innocent. Several of the students said they were friendly with the defendants but had no personal knowledge of the incident. One student said the lack of an indictment was “the most ethical outcome” possible. About 50 students had shown up during a hearing in Superior Court to support the defendants.

“I knew they would come out innocent; the truth always comes out,” said Julie Capiris, 18, a freshman … who was among those at the courthouse.

“Saw it coming,” said Andy Johnson, a first-year student who knew the five men from the Educational Opportunity Fund, a state program that helps lower-income students with tuition and support services. “Justice was definitely served.”

Now four of the five students have sued the university and its campus police force. Here are key details:

In a lawsuit filed Tuesday in state Superior Court in Paterson, an attorney for Collick and Williams said the accuser initiated consensual sex with the five defendants …. All of them were on good terms afterward, but the accuser went to the campus police later that day and reported the incident as a sexual assault, said Michael Epstein, the attorney.

“Without conducting any investigation and based on the accuser’s report alone,” campus police arrested the men within the next few days and charged them with numerous offenses, including aggravated sexual assault, kidnapping, conspiracy to commit sexual assault and criminal restraint.

Campus police did not interview any other witnesses, did not obtain cell­phone records or surveillance video, and did not conduct a sexual assault examination — known as a rape kit — on the accuser, Epstein said.

“The officers who did the reported investigation were untrained, did not know how to conduct a sexual assault investigation,” Epstein said Tuesday.

Had they conducted a proper investigation, they would have found out that the accuser had called Collick 33 times that day with hopes of luring him into intercourse, Epstein said in the lawsuit.

“Interviews with other students would have revealed that the accuser was very sexually active at William Paterson, had many sexual partners, engaged in sexual activities with more than one partner on multiple occasions, had to change dormitory rooms because her roommate was uncomfortable with the level of the accuser’s sexual activity,” Epstein said in the lawsuit. Epstein also said the accuser had previous relations with Collick and Williams.




About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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