Diversity + Proximity = War: The Reference List

From the Chateau:

Courtesy of reader chris, a large (and growing) reference list of studies finding strong and accumulating evidence for the Chateau Heartiste maxim that Diversity™ + Proximity = War by Various Means.

Feel free to link to this post on social media platforms or drop it in a clown world combox whenever a shitlib smugly wanders into your shitlord kill zone, begging for a hail of hot Realtalk™. Pounding an equalist dingbat over the head with real world events happening right before his eyes that contradict his religious teachings doesn’t work as well as pounding him over the head with peer reviewed SCIENCE!, for nothing flatters the shitlib ego as much as his carefully manicured belief that he is on the side of science. And nothing pleases yer ‘umble Destroyer of Ids more than witnessing the exact moment when a shitlib’s ego is rent in two.


– Social trust is negatively affected by ethnic diversity, case study in Denmark from 1979 to the present. Link.

– Ethnic homogeneity and Protestant traditions positively impact individual and societal levels of social trust. Link.

– “In longitudinal perspective, [across European regions], an increase in immigration is related to a decrease in social trust.” Link.

– Immigration undermines the moral imperative of those who most favor welfare benefits for the neediest. Link.

– The negative effect of community diversity on social cohesion is likely causal. Link.

– In Switzerland, social peace between diverse factions isn’t maintained by integrated coexistence, but rather by strong topographic and political borders that separate groups and allow them autonomy. Link.

– “Our analysis supports the hypothesis that violence between groups can be inhibited by both physical and political boundaries.” Link.

– Diversity hinders between-group cooperation at both the one-on-one and group levels. Link.

– The best chance for peace in Syria is better borders (intrastate or through the creation of new states) “suited to current geocultural regions”, and tribal autonomy. Link.

– Using data from US states, study finds a negative relationship between ethnic polarization and trust. Link.

– Diversity is associated with more White support for nationalist parties, except at the local level where large immigrant populations cut into vote totals for nationalist parties. Link.

– In Australia, ethnic diversity lowers social cohesion and increases “hunkering”, providing support for Putnam’s thesis finding the same results in the US. Link.

– After controlling for a self-selection bias, study finds that ethnic diversity in English schools reduces trust in same-age people and does not make White British students more inclusive in their attitudes towards immigrants. Link.

– In Germany, residential diversity reduces natives’ trust in neighbors, while it also reduces immigrants’ trust but through a different pathway. Link.

– Increasing social pluralism (diversity) is correlated with increased chance of collective violence. Link.

– “[E]thnic heterogeneity [diversity] explains 55% of the variation in the scale of ethnic conflicts, and the results of regression analysis disclose that the same relationship more or less applies to all 187 countries. … [E]thnic nepotism is the common cross-cultural background factor which supports the persistence of ethnic conflicts in the world as long as there are ethnically divided societies.” Link.

– Genetic Similarity Theory (GST) could help explain why diverse groups in close proximity increases ethnic conflict and ethnic nepotism. Link.

– Genetic diversity has contributed significantly to frequency of ethnic civil conflict, intensity of social unrest, growth of unshared policy preferences, and economic inequality over the last half-century. Link.


Chris summarizes,

In short: diversity gives us violence, conflict, less welfare, less trust, less cohesion. Merkel knew what she was doing. So do other elites. They are responsible. All the negatives of immigration and refugees are predictable and backed up by scientific evidence. Ergo each act of violence can be considered to be done from the hands of the elites themselves.

Merkel raped those women.

The ruling Western elite have native White blood and the rapes of native White women on their hands. Historically, what was done to ruling elites who displayed such open, traitorous contempt for their people? I’ll leave the imaginative answer to this question as an exercise for the readers.

Related to the above thought exercise: president Butt Naked is on record declaring he wants to turn America into a “hodgepodge of folks”, i.e., he hates White people and wants to see them demographically swamped by nonWhites.


* Well they’re defending the rapefugees, so its now undeniable: Open borders, and by extrapolation all of progressivism, is just anti-white, and specifically anti-white. Feminism, human rights, inequality, absolutely none of that ever mattered.

So it begs the question: When liberals see things like mass rape mobs in Cologne, do they feel a twinge of happiness and pride, similar to how I will feel when the Trump wall gets erected?

Its one thing to assume they’re living in a bubble or being tricked by the MSM, but that may give them too much credit: a good number of these liberal traitors look on muslim raping white women with glee and accomplishment. And these people are in power. Disgusting.

* Merkel, the cat-woman mayor of Cologne, and the German elites have a choice: defending the German women or defend the “refugees.” They’ve chosen the latter (women should keep men at “arm’s length,” these “refugees” need to be “taught” that outgoing women aren’t inviting sexual advances in German culture, government (!!) crack down on “hate speech” toward Muslims, etc.).

* Arabs and Africans, not “Muslims”. Arabs and Africans commit more crimes in the West whether they are Christian or Muslim. So do Latinos – you wouldn’t refer to them as “Catholic gangs”, would you? Religion has nothing to do with it. I see the Arabs here in my town all the time. Arab gang members drink alcohol and listen to rap music, and the women don’t wear veils. They are all steeped in Black “gangsta” culture.

Persians who move to the West don’t commit crimes like the Arabs and Africans, and Iranian asylum seekers in earlier decades (leftists mostly) are the only asylum-seeking group in Europe that go to college in the same proportion as native Westerners. Immigrated Indonesian Muslims, coming from the world’s largest Muslim nation, don’t commit crimes like the Arabs and Africans either. But U.S. Blacks, from Christian families, certainly do.

But most in European nationalist parties don’t want to note the racial differences that because that would be “racist”, so they’ll talk about religion instead. As if all the immigrants in Europe would be Muslim. They can never say anything negative about Black culture because Blacks in the U.S. aren’t immigrants. If you can’t use the word “immigrants” for them you’ll be forced to say Black, which means race, and that makes you a racist. That’s forbidden. Doesn’t look good if the media find out. So U.S. Blacks and their gangsta culture are ignored, and the fact Arabs in the West imitate them is also ignored.

As for Americans, you don’t see Arabs very often. You only see some terrorist acts on TV, so that’s all you know, and it’s comfortable for many to talk about terrorism instead of everyday crime – comfortable for those who are afraid to talk about race and prefer religion. The (Sunni) terrorism is caused by U.S. actions in the Middle East, killing millions over the years as Washington attacks the Israeli Lobby’s targets – the few M.E. governments that support the Palestinians. Without this, there would be no retaliation against the Western voters who put the politicians in power.

But that is too complicated for the rubes. Much better to talk about religion instead, that is comfortable for them. “Us vs. Them! The Muslims hate us for our freedom! It’s a culture war!” Never mind that the Zionist neocons the morons follow are allied with almost every Muslim government, and always have been, on condition that they ignore the taking of the last 22 percent of Palestinian land.

* Merkel is a childless hag who can’t stand anyone around her being happy or successful. She’s fat, old, and ugly, resembling a decrepit St. Bernard dog with a Jeff Daniels from “Dumb and Dumber” haircut, and this only compounds her envy. She enjoyed seeing those young, pretty girls be assaulted. She’s always been a sullen, degenerate, spiteful piece of shit– she literally marched in support of the East German Communist Party growing up. She knows she sucks and her whole life is a failure and a lie, so all she can do to protect her hamster is peevishly burn down her own country.

* As CH says the elites knew that this was going to happen. They had to. We all know their evil intent albeit shrouded in universalistic moral principles. So why did they not continue to boil the frog? It was going pretty well for them, demographics were/are on their side, the ‘far right’ parties are still marginalised almost everywhere.

So why did they kick over the table by opening the gates to the barbarian hordes?

* Humans are tribal by nature and forcibly trying to blend “tribes’ doesn’t work and has never worked.

* We have the truth on our side. Now we just need to spread it.

I have more or less converted my millennial girlfriend into a Nazi, and am making headway with my circle of friends.

My tactic is to not hit them with the full shitlord tsunami at once.

Instead I make fairly benign jokes and observations that nobody with a functioning pattern recognition system could possibly deny are true. Once I’m able to get them laughing at & agreeing with “sexist” & “racist” facts, that is the thin end of the wedge.

From there I slowly and steadily increase the flow of information, always pushing the envelope of their comfort.

Some SWPLs are too far gone to save, but many normal people are only going along with obvious falsehoods because they believe that is what decent, respectable people do. Once they are given permission to openly express reality and put their own interests first, they jump right in. I

Right now we have some strong tailwinds making it easy. The Donald has expanded the scope of publicly acceptable opinions, and that the news is full of non-white invasions & catastrophes.

My hopeful prediction: There’s going to be a tipping point, when the number of real talkers hits critical mass & people realize just how many millions of Americans share their opinions without apology. Then it will be self-sustaining, especially if some media and entertainment enterprises realize that it will be lucrative to give that ravenous mass of newly aware shitlord a what it wants.

Once it becomes self-sustaining, that mass is going to become more and more radicalized, too. The Red Pill has so many levels; nobody gets it all at once. Especially if you have to break through decades of Blue Pill conditioning to absorb it.

For me it took about two years to process the pill, starting with Women Lie & Feminism Sucks, then Equality is a Lie Too & Diversity Sucks, then as I started to put the pieces together about who pushed all that garbage into my brain — I got to The Jewish Question & answered it. (Jews didn’t do it all, but they certainly helped)

If enough men in this country went through that same process, I am confident that things here would never be the same again.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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