Steve Sailer: Nobody Remembers Immigration Religious Discrimination Against Soviet/Russian Gentiles

Who cares about goyim right?

Steve Sailer writes:

From the NYT:

Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S.

Updated, 10:42 p.m. | Donald J. Trump called on Monday for the United States to bar all Muslims from entering the country until the nation’s leaders can “figure out what is going on” after the terrorist attacks in San Bernardino, Calif., an extraordinary escalation of rhetoric aimed at voters’ fears about members of the Islamic faith.

A prohibition of Muslims – an unprecedented proposal by a leading American presidential candidate, and an idea more typically associated with hate groups – reflects a progression of mistrust that is rooted in ideology as much as politics.

Mr. Trump, who in September declared “I love the Muslims,” turned sharply against them after the Paris terrorist attacks, calling for a database to track Muslims in America and repeating discredited rumors that thousands of Muslims celebrated in New Jersey on 9/11. His poll numbers rose largely as a result, until a setback in Iowa on Monday morning. Hours later Mr. Trump called for the ban, fitting his pattern of making stunning comments when his lead in the Republican presidential field appears in jeopardy.

Saying that “hatred” among many Muslims for Americans is “beyond comprehension,” Mr. Trump said in a statement that the United States needed to confront “where this hatred comes from and why.”

“Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life,” Mr. Trump said.

Asked what prompted his statement, Mr. Trump said, “death,” according to a spokeswoman.

Repudiation of Mr. Trump’s remarks was swift and severe among religious groups and politicians from both parties. Mr. Trump is “unhinged,” said one Republican rival, former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida, while another, Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, called the ban “offensive and outlandish.” Hillary Clinton said the idea was “reprehensible, prejudiced and divisive.” Organizations representing Jews, Christians and those of other faiths quickly joined Muslims in denouncing Mr. Trump’s proposal.

“Rooting our nation’s immigration policy in religious bigotry and discrimination will not make America great again,” said Rabbi Jack Moline, executive director of Interfaith Alliance, putting a twist on Mr. Trump’s campaign slogan.

Mr. Trump made his remarks a day after President Obama delivered a national address from the Oval Office urging Americans not to turn against Muslims in the wake of the terrorist attacks.

Experts on immigration law and policy expressed shock at the proposal Monday afternoon.

“This is just so antithetical to the history of the United States,” said Nancy Morawetz, a professor of clinical law at New York University School of Law, who specializes in immigration. “It’s unbelievable to have a religious test for admission into the country.”

She added: “I cannot recall any historical precedent for denying immigration based on religion.”

I can: Soviet non-Jews.

In fact, I knew a Russian who was trying to fake being Jewish so she wouldn’t be kicked out of the country for not being Jewish.

Back in the 1990s, I knew one of the first of the great wave of Russian blondes to make it to the U.S. There was always a lot of drama revolving around whether or not the INS would kick her out of the country because her tourist visa had run out. Her boyfriend wasn’t interested in marrying her, so she was always on the lookout for a fake husband to scam the INS with. But when that angle petered out, she moved on to assembling genealogical records from back home to prove she was Jewish and therefore could get asylum in the U.S.

I’d never heard anything about her being even a little bit Jewish before, and it seemed like every economist in Cambridge, MA was on retainer to the Yeltsin government by that point, but apparently it was a serious plan: if she could document her theory of being Jewish by descent, she could, maybe, qualify for legal immigration to the U.S.. But if she were just a run of the mill Orthodox Christian, too bad, she was legally out of luck.


* Each year thousands of Chinese apply for asylum because China has persecuted some Christians.

In 2009, Chang asked immigration judge Barbara Nelson for U.S. asylum, claiming that he had been beaten and imprisoned in the Asian country for months after attending a church that wasn’t sanctioned by the Chinese government…….In order to test Chang’s religious claims, Judge Nelson asked the immigrant to explain the story of Paul to her in court…..

Thus our immigration judges have extensive experience judging the religious beliefs of immigrants to determine if they qualify for visas and green cards.

* Organizations representing Jews, Christians and those of other faiths quickly joined Muslims in denouncing Mr. Trump’s proposal.

All of these denominations make money from the refugee resettlement racket, so of course they oppose Trump. How many Americans are aware of the following facts from Refugee Resttlement Watch:

Refugee resettlement is profitable to the organizations involved in it.
They receive money from the federal government for each refugee they bring
over. They have almost no real responsibilities for these refugees. After
4 months the “sponsoring” organization is not even required to know where
the refugee lives.

There are 9 main major refugee resettlement organizations (Volags from
“Voluntary Agency”) with approximately 450 affiliated organizations
throughout the country; many are run by former refugees. Below are the 9
Volags that operate today:

US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB),
Lutheran Immigrant Aid Society (LIRS),
International Rescue Committee (IRC),
World Relief Corporation,
Immigrant and Refugee Services of America (IRSA),
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS),
Church World Service (CWS),
Domestic and Foreign Missionary Service of the Episcopal Church of the USA,
Ethiopian Community Development Center (ECDC),

Below are some of the sources of income for Volags:

a. $1,850 per refugee (including children) from the State Department.

b. Up to $2,200 for each refugee by participating in a U.S. DHHS program
known as Matching Grant. To get the $2,200, the Volag need only show it
spent $200 and gave away $800 worth of donated clothes, furniture or cars.

c. The Volag pockets 25% of every transportation loan it collects from
refugees it “sponsors”.

d. All Volag expenses and overhead in the Washington, DC HQ are paid by
the U.S. government.

e. For their refugee programs, Volags collect money from all federal grant
programs – “Marriage Initiative”, “Faith-based”, “Ownership Society”,
etc., as well as from various state and local grants.

The program is so lucrative that in some towns the Catholic Church has
lessened support for traditional charity works to put more effort into
resettlement. It uses collection offerings to promote the refugee
resettlement program.

* They’re still running that Save Soviet Jews scam. On TV they have these infomercials that appeal to American Christians to donate to help poor ex-Soviet/Russian Jewish seniors.

* A confluence of iSteve themes: the reporter [Katy Tur] NBC has covering Trump’s campaign has a transexual father [Zoey Tur].

* The 1795 immigration law restricted naturalization to free *white* persons. In 1882 Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act. Up until at least 1965 one law or another was on the books favoring this country’s historical ethnic majority – Northwest Europeans. So for 170 years we had “racist” immigration laws, while we’ve had supposedly “non-racist” immigration laws for at most 50 years (and that’s only if you ignore the law favoring Soviet Jews). Sounds to me like if there’s anything ‘antithetical to the history and values of this country’ it’s immigration laws that don’t take such matters into account.

* Its funny and ironic how jews played a large role in destroying Tsarist Russia and creating the Soviet Union and its secret police become the prime refugees of the Evil Empire that they created.

* We had the same situation in Germany. Chancellor Kohl wanted to open the borders for Russian-Germans, but – to forecome leftist and international critics – let in Russian Jews as well. Now, I never heard about ethnic Russians who faked German roots (a lot of them came anyway as family members), but it was well known that a lot of Russians had to fake Jewish roots in order to get accepted in Germany. (Same story in Israel, before the Israelis began to use DNA tests.)

* Europe, and the US, effectively discriminate against Syrian Christians. This is due to the fact that Christians are endangered even in German refugee camps. It is extremely dangerous for Christians to be in Syrian refugee camps in Syria. The UN picks their resettlement refugees from the Christian-free refugee camps.

* When I was growing up in NYC, there were certain neighborhoods where Yiddish was spoken quite widely (I have quite fond memories of hearing guttural utterances while going for runs at night). When I came back from college, Yiddish began to disappear and suddenly there were all these “Jewish Refuseniks” who spoke only Russian, never went to synagogues, and never observed any Jewish holidays or rituals. There was also a sudden spike in Russian organized crime (of course, there has been always a strong Jewish presence within the broad umbrella of “Russian organized crime”).

* The preferential treatment of Soviet Jews via immigration to the United States was real. I’ve met a number of them. Indeed, one of them married my nephew. Surprisingly, most I’ve met ended up in banking, which fits the stereotype of Jews … but I do not understand the connection. They came from the Soviet Union, which was not a capitalist paradise nor did it have a financialized economy at the time.

One of the immigrants told me a story about the special privileges that Jews had in the Soviet Union on the eve of the exodus, such as the right to own upscale apartments in Moscow and free tickets to the Bolshoi Ballet. Of interest, the women and her husband were able to flee the Soviet Union with enough cash to buy an upscale apartment in New York city. [?] Were people that wealthy in the Soviet Union at the time, was there that much cash floating around, and how did they get it out of the country?

I try to keep up on these things but have not ran into any descriptions of Jews being persecuted in this time frame. Indeed, Jews were plentiful in the higher ranks of the nomenklatura. Did they see the handwriting on the wall? Were they like “rats” fleeing a sinking ship? Wikipedia seems to think so: “The emigration that took place from 1989 to 1993 is described as a “panic migration”, due to the socio-economic crisis in the Soviet states, rather than a migration of “born-again” Jews.”

As I recall, Israel campaigned to stop the preferential treatment of Soviet Jews immigrating to the United States because the majority of the Soviet Jews fleeing the Soviet Union were choosing the United States rather than Israel. Israel used its American lobby to shut down the Jewish spigot to America under the belief that, with the United States off the table, the Jews would have no choice but to immigrate to Israel. It worked. The presence of Russian immigrants in Israel is substantial enough to support Russian-language newspapers, radio, and TV channels. Wikipedia has the statistics, but they belie the influence of Russian immigrants on Israel proper, including support for the Likud party. I’ve read of Russian being described as the “second language” of Israel after Hebrew (Arabic speakers, of course, are ignored).

The scale of Jews fleeing the Soviet Union was massive. I read an article that pre-immigration, about 5% of the Soviet population was Jewish. After the exodus, it is now “decimal dust”.

* I don’t know if Team Trump is this clever, but the way to answer the howling and moaning from the ruling class on this is to “compromise” and say, “You’re right, A religious test is impractical. Instead, we should halt all immigration as a security matter. Until the economy is booming and the international terrorism issue is under control, we must halt all immigration.”

That would be checkmate.

* It wasn’t until I was 17-years old, and working at a business owned by Middle Eastern Muslims, that I knew there was such a thing as Holocaust jokes and talk of genocide against an ethnic group while being all buddy, buddy with customers of that same group. All I can say to the Jews is “Good luck,” when the last vestiges of annoying Christian culture is snuffed out. Not being admitted to country clubs and Skull and Bones will be the good old days. Jews in Europe will find this out in about 20 years, when demographics changes reach saturation point.

* In LORD OF WAR Nicolas Cage and his Ukrainian family pretend to be jews to stay in America.

* Trump got where he is by being a good negotiator, and good negotiators always ask for more than they want. If I will settle for $5, I will demand $10 and then let you negotiate me down. Heck, I might even get $7 or $8.

The MSM is truly a bunch of morons to fall for something so transparent. Haven’t they ever haggled over the price of a car? Oh, wait. I forgot. They lease their Beemers.

* Trump’s announcement is classic “Art of the Deal,” right? Suggest an objective that people will predictably complain is outrageous, then offer a compromise position that represents the goal you originally wanted to achieve.

By forcing his opponents on the Left and Right to trot out their usual “fairness” and “impartiality” arguments, he’s opened the door to using those very arguments to support a general immigration moratorium. (At least, that would be the strategic vision–which I think is well within Trump’s imagination as a negotiator.)

In the meantime, he’s inspired a lot of people who would otherwise have never thought about the issue to wonder: “Why exactly CAN’T we have a moratorium on immigration?”

And as Trump’s opponents fall all over themselves admitting (rightly or wrongly): “Sure, we’ve restricted immigration in the past–for this and that reason; but not on the basis of religion”–they are merely providing evidence that America HAS and CAN restrict immigration, period.

If this is indeed what he’s doing, Trump is masterfully playing the entire political-media class for the predictable fools they are. I guess time will tell.

* This is all very ironic since Russian gentiles were less dangerous to America than Jewish-Americans.

For a long time, many American Jews were radical leftist.

And even after the majority of Jews turned against the USSR for its ‘anti-Jewish’ policies, Jews from Russia were more likely to partake in radical politics in America. Not necessarily in commie stuff but in homo stuff, anti-white stuff, anti-Christian stuff, and etc. Even after many Jews dropped radical leftism or Marxism, their anti-white and anti-Christian animus remained.

I think Neocons have done more damage to the GOP and American Conservatism, and many of them are of Eastern European background.

Btw, Trump went too far with this. He should have called for more strict screening for Muslims. That would be acceptable to most Americans. Give Muslim immigration applicants more attention. But the idea of banning ALL MUSLIMS goes too far.

Also, this Muslim terror problem is limited to certain nations. Those nations should be targeted. I mean how many Indonesian Muslim terrorists have there been in America? How many Asian-Indian-Muslim terrorist attacks have there been in America? I know some Paki-Americans, and they are more red-white-and-blue than I am and always had arguments with Jews in high school about politics.

I say the more sensible measure is give special attention to Muslim applicants, especially from nations like Saudi Arabia, our so-called ally. (Interesting that Iranian-Americans have not been at the forefront of terror attacks in US or EU.)

* I see the media is celebrating Joe Scarborough cutting to a commercial to cut off Trump.

The meta message: Americans and indigenous Europeans not permitted under any circumstance to regain control of their borders.

Public shaming, DOJ threats, name calling, self-censorship — all tools must be utilized. The larger project is too important; displacement must continue apace.

* Because up until now no one with the influence of a Donald Trump has come out and said what many believe, but are afraid to say. If Trump can make such a policy suggestion and survive, it sends a signal to others. And that is the real threat. We know Trump’s policy would never be implement, at least in regards to muslim citizens. But just allowing such free discourse to take place without penalty serves to push back the PC censorship and gives countless others the moral courage to do the same.

Trump might have been a huge annoyance up until yesterday. But now he is an absolute threat to their entire worldview.

* It’s now 5.22 in England, and the first 22 minutes of the hour-long Radio Four news have been almost entirely devoted to Donald Trump. Even David Cameron has said it’s a bad idea, though that’s par for the course. Guardian’s having conniptions.

* Published on Dec 8, 2015: Donald Trump gets cut off by ‘Morning Joe’ host Joe Scarborough Joe Scarborough Disrespects Trump Donald Trump gets cut off by ‘Morning Joe’ host Joe Scarborough Joe Scarborough Disrespects Trump:

* How in the world are the genius professors cited by the NYT declaring this unconstitutional? Sure we can’t ban people from practicing a religion if already here but that is not what Trump proposed. Are these people claiming the constitution applies to all people on earth before they even set foot anywhere near the US?

* If religious group XYZ is aggrieved and warrants asylum, they may get special immigration options that are denied to other religious groups.

The entire premise of asylum+refugee programs is granting privileged immigration status to a particular aggrieved demographic and denying those benefits to others not in the aggrieved demographic.

* When I worked once in a prison, it was a common observation that once testosterone levels fell off in the late thirties, criminals were much less likely to reoffend, and by the time they got into their fifties they were nearly always harmless.

* In the extremely PC climate era we live in today which consists of micro aggression, White privilege, and safe spaces, I wonder if Vince McMahon would still have the balls to put another evil Arab Muslim character on WWE television.

I remember back in the days he would have MENA characters like The Sultan, Muhammad Hassan, The Iron Sheik, Col. Mustafa, Gen. Adnan, and Sheik Abdul Bashir. He would give them dark sinister Middle Eastern music that would be fit for the villain Jafar from Aladdin.

* Back in the 1990s there was “Operation Exodus”

The first ex-Soviet Jews showed up around 1990 in the upscale liberal city where I was living and working at the time. Through civic involvement circles I had casual exposure to these “refugees” as well as the professional helpers who enabled their importation and occupation.

(The access class there was quite small and very Jewish, with roots in NYC, LA, and Chicago mostly. Like Bernie Sanders, they moved to white rural areas, suburbo-rural small towns, or university/capital cities as soon as they graduated from NYU, Columbia, U of Chicago, UCLA, Stanford, etc.)

It and a few other experiences left me with the sense that Operation Exodus was a Holocaust (TM) Industry-referenced immigration scheme designed to a) bolster Jewish numbers in target liberal cities (NY, Chicago, LA), as Jewish birth and marriage rates were declining and outmarriage increasing, and to b) force “WASPs” to pay for everything after the initial social services investment by the Jewish “social” agencies, which guilted donations out of their younger set.

* I think the real issue with refugees now is that everyone has lost the ability to articulate why anyone should be excluded from or denied anything. Both common Americans and elites–any kind of crisis either of private or public nature elicits only a very narrow range of responses consisting of giving people things or making their lives easier. There are a few exceptions such as alcoholism, but basically this is why Caplan favors open borders and Americans are silent.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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