From My Twitter Feed

* Every politician should be asked how many dead Americans is Islamic immigration worth to them.

* Why is it okay to invade and bomb Muslims but not to stop them at the border?

* In line with Mormon precedent, maybe US should expect Muslims to renounce first-cousin marriage. Cut down on clannishness.

* TRUMP is going to:-
-Build a wall
-Ban Muslims
-Deport illegals
-Take Jobs back from China
-Make Leftist’s Cry

* @Gavin_McInnes hops on @realDonaldTrump bandwagon: Irrational, extreme, unreasonable is “what we need right now.”

* #DadsforTrump Because I want my kids to grow up free and happy and not as a Muslim sex slaves

* No cost is too great when others pay tribute with their lives on the Altar of Tolerance.

* “Religion is not the trigger…. Violent extremism emerges first, with a religious justification tagged on after.”

* I always wondered what the Overton Window moving would sound like. It’s SJWs screams.

* What’s the betting the moral of the story turns out to be “never let your low-IQ easily-led son marry a sexy Saudi lady”?

* And after a settling-in period, US immigration may be resumed with heavy preference given to migrants from NW->E->S Euro countries.

* If you hate the surveillance state (I do) you will support an IMMIGRATION MORATORIUM AND EXPULSION of known subversives.

* Muslim Migrant Rapes North Dakota Woman While Chanting “Allahu Akbar.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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