White Debt

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* SJWs I used to run into at the dog park would enthusiastically discuss the different qualities of the dogs there based on the breed (usually extolling the virtues of of their particular dog, who was selected explicitly for its known qualities) but whenever conversation turned to the behavior of the inhabitants that mostly surrounded the park I would hear about poverty and systematic racism, and perhaps something about school funding even though per capita spending in my city was one of the highest in the country. Shortly thereafter, the conversation would usually shift to how exciting it was to see more and more homes obviously occupied by people like themselves.

* How queer!?! When a 19-year-old (and presumably drunk) White guy is arrested in Saint Louis, for trespassing at the Budweiser brewery, he is referred to, by both the Associated Press reporter and the ABC News headline-writer, as a “man”– and the race(s) of the arresting officers go(es) wholly unnoted. When an 18-year-old (and confirmedly high) Black guy, who also was of legal age, was infamously killed in self-defense, as confirmed by all levels of the government, after attacking a White police officer and trying to kill him with his own service weapon, in a nearby Saint Louis suburb, last year, he was referred to as– and continues, to this day, to be referred to as– “an unarmed black teen,” by these same paragons of American journalism, with the race of the targeted police officer (now unemployed, and presumably forever unemployable, as such) invariably stated, and implied to be the key to the entire tragedy (as in, his own presumed “racism” against the violent Black felon who was trying to kill him, rather than the other way around). How very queer, indeed!?!?!

* I will personally buy this woman and her child and and her baby daddy one way tickets to Liberia if they agree to renounce their US citizenship. In Liberia they will all be 100% safe from institutional white racism and will never be killed simply for being black. They may be killed for the $5 they have in their pocket, but never simply for being black.

Liberia was supposed to be Israel for American blacks but the inability of blacks to construct a functioning society on their own got in the way. ’60s black radicals also used to talk about going “back to Africa” (and a few even did) but modern American blacks never bring this up, no matter how bitterly they complain about American racism. When Czarist oppression made life unbearable for E. European Jews, millions of them took off for America, Israel, Argentina, etc. but for some reason American blacks don’t seem interested in getting away from their oppressors.

* I figure that about a hundred thousand dollars plus one way first class airfare plus about five thousand in incidental expenses is the right offer. We could up the ante to about $250K if needed, and at those levels it would make a lot of sense. Not all blacks would take it, but the vanguard of those with severe enough grievances against our society might. We would also wind up paying the target countries something to take them, but it could be rolled into the foreign aid we give them already. I figure ten percent at an absolute max will take it, so the highest possible cost would be about ten percent of one percent of that $400 trillion. If they all took it it would be four trillion, or $15K apiece, and at that price the bargain of the millennium.

Reinstating the 1920′s through 1960s sterilization practices for criminals and the insane would also be hugely beneficial, as would a program to pay people regardless of race with sub-80 IQs a substantial sum to be sterilized before they reproduce.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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