NYT: “Study Strongly Links Baltimore Mortgage Denials to Race”

Steve Sailer writes: “Baltimore blacks were long dogged by malicious stereotypes spread by The Wire, but their behavior in 2015 — first rioting, then murdering each other in large numbers — has demonstrated their financial trustworthiness. How delusionally racist are lenders to not see that houses in Baltimore black neighborhoods are sure bets?”


* NYT should run headlines…

Study Strongly Links Baltimore Rapes to (black)Race

Study Strongly Links Baltimore Arsons to (black)Race

Study Strongly Links Baltimore Assaults to (black)Race

Study Strongly Links Baltimore Robberies to (black)Race

Study Strongly Links Baltimore Burglaries to (black)Race

Study Strongly Links Baltimore Murders to (black)Race

Study Strongly Links Baltimore Corruption to (black)Race

Study Strongly Links Baltimore Frauds to (black)Race

Study Strongly Links Baltimore Unruly Behavior to (black)Race

If a 1000 blacks kill 1000 blacks, the media run the story ’1000 blacks victimized by violence’ but suppress the more important story that 1000 blacks did the killing.

Narrative has to fit blacks as victims always.

* I have worked in the credit industry. You cannot red line because you cannot use geographic information in making a loan decision. Loan decisions are made by a computer algorithms that use your credit history, your work history and your income to decide whether to give you a loan. These algorithms need to be approved by a government agency and any potentially disparate impact component needs to be justified. This scrutiny is probably the reason why minorities have higher default rates.

* Once more social “science” proves itself to be anything but. Obviously, these politically motivated studies are useless for solving any real world problems. I am sure you can find hundreds of things you can correlate with low black mortgage approval rates and with a convincing enough narrative turn it into as useless a study as this is. All these studies are good for is giving useless social scientists grant money and race hustlers fuel for their shakedown operations.

It would be nice if some major university did the world a favor and disbanded all their social science departments. Hopefully, that would be the start of a trend. However, many universities take pride in the ranking of these departments. I know years back UCLA was bragging that their sociology department was ranked 20th in the country or something like that. So they viewed that as a badge of honor. I guess it is used to attract grad students as cheap labor for the professors.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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