The Wall Meets Beta Bux

From Chateau Heartiste: vows

The Wall is the point in a woman’s life when she is sexually worthless to the vast majority of men with options. As The Wall approaches, a woman’s sexual market value (SMV, i.e., her youth and beauty), exponentially decays to zero. Most women will have hit The Wall by age 50.

Beta Bux is one part of a woman’s dual mating strategy (the other part being “Alpha Fux”) to acquire, if possible, both the genetic contributions of sexy alpha males and the resource contributions of boring but dependable beta males. The fact that most women will not be able to fulfill their mating duality directives does not mean that these competing desires don’t exist within them, or that given the right contexts and sufficient deniability they won’t make a go at it.

Now that you know this about women, the above Twat makes sense. An urban, socially disconnected, cock carousel riding city slutter woke up to the reality of her disappearing looks on her 32nd birthday, and like magic she suddenly noticed that dull niceguy in her office who would make a fine steady paycheck to foot the bills for her future dreams of a family consisting of two SUVs, three cats, five iPads, and 1.2 kids.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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