Europe Cucks Itself

From Chateau Heartiste: Bottom line: The refugees are not Europe’s moral crisis. They are the responsibility of those countries from which the migrants hail. The blame for every drowned Syrian child rests with their families who pushed them onto colonizing dinghies and with the abattoirs that multiply in the Muslim lands. It is Europe’s job to protect her own people against preventable miseries, such as, oh, the invasion of millions of home wreckers whose genetic and cultural heritage will always be at odds with the traditions and customs of native Europeans… until that time when the invaders have achieved numerical superiority and the natives have descended to complete dissolute abjection.

In related news, more evidence that the cuckservatives at National Review are just equalist leftoids who want lower taxes on billionaire oligarchs. Fuck them and their race creationism.

PS A good post about the central character trait of liberals: their (targeted) nonjudgmentalism. Liberalism is semantic Armageddon, inevitably driving discourse over a cliff into absurdism and justifications for self-annihilation.

A man of not far past vintage could reasonably have wanted blacks treated with dignity while simultaneously wishing for America to retain its European culture and demographics. He would have certainly considered himself open-minded and liberal for his altruism. Today he would be considered a neo-nazi. That is because liberalism denudes the mind of its necessary capacity for making judgements along a gradient. If we say 1, we are not required to say 100. If we swim a pool, there is no compulsion to swim the ocean. If we shake hands, we are not obliged to anal sex. Adults understand this implicitly. Liberals and children do not.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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