The Fear Inventory

Here are some of my notes from HerbK’s Tuesday night 12-step workshop:

* When we wrote out our fourth column (where were we to blame in our conflicts with others) in the Fourth Step, we had the experience of feeling the damage we have done to other people around us.

* Do I take on other people’s fears? Understanding the base of my fears will reduce my fears. Am I praying daily for removal of my needless fear and resentment? Prager can be a great way of procrastinating.

* Anger and resentment are about the past. Fear is about the future. They all prevent us from living in the present. Going to 12-step meetings and doing 12-step work is energizing because it brings you into the present.

* My greatest fear is that I haven’t lived, that I haven’t used my gifts. Step one is about admitting powerlessness. It lasts four months in this workshop. Step four is evidence of my powerlessness in writing.

* If I am having consistent problems with women and with bosses, it is not the women and the bosses.

* What would my life look like if I didn’t have this fear?

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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