How Do You Make White Women Have More Babies?

One idea: “Restrict college and most occupations to men only. Take away women’s sufferage. Outlaw abortion and birth control.”

* Leonard, Thomas C. (2005) “Protecting Family and Race: The Progressive Case for Regulating Women’s Work.” American Journal of Economics and Sociology 64(3): 757-791.

“Abstract: In the Progressive Era, reform-minded economists argued that the labor force should be rid of unfit workers—whom they labeled ‘unemployables,’ ‘parasites,’ ‘low-wage races,’ and the ‘industrial residuum’—so as to uplift superior, deserving workers. Women were also frequently classified as unemployable. Leading progressives, including women at the forefront of labor reform, justified exclusionary labor legislation for women on grounds that it would (1) protect the biologically weaker sex from the hazards of market work; (2) protect working women from the temptation of prostitution; (3) protect male heads of household from the economic competition of women; and (4) ensure that women could better carry out their eugenic duties as ‘mothers of the race.’ What united these heterogeneous rationales was the reformers’ aim of discouraging women’s labor-force participation.”

* Phil Rushton: “Joseph Goebbels had complete control of the media in Germany and the German birth rate shot up and German nationalism shot up and ethnic solidarity increased and out-group hatred increased. The reason was because of the images displayed. If you saw today on television, which I am sure you will not, lots and lots of nice blue-eyed blonde babies being born and women who had lots of these babies being happy having babies and wanting to stay at home and not to work, then you would increase the number of women who would want to have babies and stay at home. If the media showed attractive people standing up to drive the drug dealers out of their neighborhood and to not care what race they were, then I think many more people in suburban neighborhoods would rally together to drive out the alien drug dealers. And so what you see on TV portrayed by role models who look like you… Advertisers know this. Politicians know this. If you are running for Congress, you get black workers to go knock on black neighborhoods. You get Hispanic voters to knock on Hispanic doors… We know the ethnic person you are interacting helps sell the product. People trust someone who looks like their cousin more than someone who looks different, on average.”

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Germans and other Europeans used to have high birth rates, now they’re low. This is not some inevitable fate or irreversible trend. Making babies isn’t rocket science, it’s a social issue that can be addressed with basic cultural will power.

If German/Western schools taught children that their biological ethnicity was worth keeping and stressed the value of having larger families, it would happen. Instead, our schools have moved mountain and ocean to reduce white racism and tell whites that their biology is no more special than a random stranger, which reduces fertility.

When schools bent over backwards to reduce teen pregnancy, it worked. It’s not some impossible task. These changes are well within the control of today’s society and standard social engineering practices.

The media and academics are bending over backwards to push mass immigration specifically into white nations against overwhelming popular sentiment. If they put that effort into protecting German ethnicity, it would happen. Persuading that group to change might be hard, but if the NYT pushed Germans to raise their birth rates with the passion that they are instead telling them to accept death, that would happen.

Camp of the Saints predicted this back in 1973, but most normal people never saw this coming. This entire premise of mass immigration and quick demographic replacement were completely unheard of until recently.

If you took the normal European citizens who are watching this demographic replacement in horror and gave them a ten or twenty year offer to either increase birth rates in their extended families and communities or accept cultural death and replacement, they would increase their birth rates. The mass immigration cabal doesn’t want to give them that chance.

* As for the death spiral, nations have taken hits to their populations throughout history, yet have recovered. It doesn’t take much to turn the demographic trend around. Just look at the post WW2 Baby Boom in the USA. All it took was ideal living conditions which occurred after WW2 when the USA was enjoying great prosperity relative to the rest of the world, and it was still protected by the Immigration Act of 1924, which prevented the flooding of the nation by third world hordes. The natives evidently found family formation affordable and went at it. Of course it helped that the culture being promoted by the media was conducive and not destructive.

* Maybe the Germans can establish friendship clubs in every city where the swarthy young Muslim arrivals can bond with the 40% of German women with advanced degrees who remain childless.

* The truth of Western modernity is that women have been persuaded to pursue careers, education, individual lifestyles, etc. and have been discouraged from marriage/children. And yes, women do tend to want children more then men. This is natural. That’s why it bears more fruit (literally) for society to incentivize the sex that naturally desires to have children to actually have more children. Also if women’s goals were primarily outwardly focused (toward a family) instead of inwardly focused (being independent and modern), this would raise the price of sex for men, harnessing their strong desire for sex toward marriage.

Notice that I didn’t bring up taking away social programs, that seems to have been your own feminist assumption. But what is a bigger social program for a woman than a successful husband? The Scandinavian model of giving women a year off from their corporate jobs for maternity leave is actually anti-woman. In a traditional system homemakers get the entirety of their lives away from a corporate job. No need for daycare either.

* As horrible as the current crisis is, this is only the beginning.

If word gets out that Europe has no will to defend itself, the levee is gonna totally go and massive flood will be unrelenting.

Germany should be setting the example of European will and power, but it is doing the very opposite. By telling the world, ‘ve vill take all of you’, Germany turned neighboring nations into invasion territories as well. To get the Germany as their Land of Milk and Honey, all the ‘migrants’ must trample through all the neighboring nations.

During WWII, Germany led in invading other peoples.

Now they lead in making all of Europe be invaded.

Germany not only violates itself but neighboring nations through which the invasion must happen. It has made all of Europe the Lebensraum target of foreigners.

Merkel is a totally disgusting creature who should be tried.

It is Lebensgone now.

* Low fertility is not a reason to import large numbers of immigrants but rather a reason not to do so. When you import large numbers of immigrants during a period of extended low fertility, you are in effect running a policy of population replacement. A policy of population replacement at some point becomes a policy of national suicide.

* The idea and planning for the Final Solution originated only after Germany had acquired millions of unwanted Jews through conquering Poland and the western regions of the Soviet Union. The Nazis never planned to murder all the German Jews, they would have been perfectly happy to steal all their assets and let them emigrate. And, in fact, most German Jews did emigrate before the war started. Unfortunately many never got further than the Netherlands or France.

* There is a small chance the European elites have a better strategy in mind. If there is a Arab demographic takeover of Germany, maybe that justifies some kind of leadership takeover of the middle east and a transition away from democracy and universal suffrage? Combining universal suffrage and this style of true unstoppable open borders spells overt oppression for ethnic Germans who will always be outvoted by demographically larger rival ethnic groups.

The native German people absolutely don’t want this. There are a few Germans who love it, but the broader German people would have overwhelmingly voted this away if they were ever given a choice. The open border crowd wasn’t interested in giving the natives a say in the matter.

I’m stunned by how fast this is happening and how the German people really weren’t given a choice, and how they weren’t given a warning, as in, “Get your birth rates up or politicians will flip your entire country inside out for political favor”. They were told, “hey don’t think about this, look the other way. Oh, too late, we’ve secretly organized this permanent complete overthrow of your society.”

* The United States had 180 million people in 1960. The quality of life was much better. A young couple could buy a new 3 bedroom 1 1/2 bath house in Palo Alto or Marin County for $35,000. In the D.C. suburbs of Fairfax or Montgomery County $25,000 would get you a new home. My dad paid $47,000 for his house in Georgetown. My mom and stepfather in San Francisco ( who was building those homes in Palo Alto and Marin) paid $68,000 in 1965 for their Victorian in ( lower) Pacific Heights. Today those suburban homes would cost close to a $1 million and I don’t even want to think about what the San Francisco and Georgetown homes would cost except to say I couldn’t afford them.

There was the new Beltway around Washington. It wasn’t choked with traffic. The Golden Gate and Bay Bridges in San Francisco were the same. People did not have to commute 25-50 miles to an find an affordable home.

Only a fool would imagine the quality of life in America has improved by the addition of 140 million additional people. The infrastructure can’t keep up with rapid population growth in existing cities because you can’t add new highways, runways, sewers or mass transit systems without incurring huge costs for land acquisition and disruption to existing neighborhoods.

Germany ( and eastern Europe) are already facing some real constraints on energy supplies. It is simply not possible for Germany to meet its power generation and environmental goals if it has to provide electricity and gas supplies to large numbers of asylum seekers, refugees, migrants or whatever you wish to call them. That hijab clad Muslim women typically do not work but do breed makes this new population even more of a burden than,e.g., Latino or Asian immigrants to the US. That Germany is already on the hook for hundreds of billions of Euros for bailouts to Greece, Portugal and Spain makes it delusional to imagine it can take on an enormous influx of even temporary new residents.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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