Conservatives Have A Stronger Disgust Reflex

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* An understanding of the Germ Theory of Disease is something all newcomers need to be exposed to before they begin working. This knowledge used to be acquired by most family members as part of simply growing up, and reinforced in grade school. Most girls (and boys) had a well-developed sense of what’s “too icky” by 8 years old.

Of course now we post ugly pictograms posted at eye level everywhere so no one slips up in the restroom before returning to do food prep. And hope the directive sticks at least 10 minutes – who knows what really happens? I personally never touch any public door handles without paper or a hankerchief. My dermatologist is adamant about avoiding public surfaces. Any knowledge of microbiology plus valuing your time and health makes this a no-brainer- Sorry !Jeb!, you’re backsliding on your upbringing!

* In the office where I work, some obnoxious germophobe uses a paper towel to open the bathroom door and then drops the paper towel on the floor inside the door and walks away. Evidently, his idea is that the janitor or someone else is supposed to pick up his germy paper towel and throw it into a waste basket.

The janitor began putting a small waste basket next to the bathroom door. The germophobe continues to drop his germy paper towel onto the floor, missing the waste basket.

Such is the mentality of some germophobes. It’s part of a larger mental disorder.

I think I know who this particular germophobe is. He’s an immigrant from India.

* I finding excess concern about germs to be extremely effeminate and annoying. But we all have our neuroses, and I’ll happily forgive Trump his. I’ll cut breaks for a patriot, that I won’t for a traitor. Gee, funny how that works.

* I knew Trump was serious about running when I saw him working a line, shaking hands.

* Fifteen years ago, I didn’t even know there was such a thing as Purell or Germ-X. I just carried a few enveloped alcohol swabs around with me. Then my hands started drying out and cracking. After that, when my kids were born, I saw all the nurses using sanitizer. Now you see sanitizer everywhere.

Ten percent of hepatitis c (the often lethal variety) patients don’t fit into any of the profile groups that usually contract the disease. That means there are about 400,000 people in the US who, for the most part, don’t know really know how they got sick. That’s equivalent to a city the size of Tulsa.

Many probably got it by grabbing a door handle in a public place that had been contaminated, and they had some sort of open sore that became infected. It’s great to see that most big grocery stores have wipes and sanitizer stations by their carts nowadays, but lots of folks still just go up and grab the cart. Kind of foolish, when you think about it. Trump is smart compared to them.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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