Freddie Gray’s “Crash for Cash” Habit?

Baltimore Sun:

Officers’ attorneys say Freddie Gray had history of ‘crash for cash’ schemes.

The police detectives who investigated the death of Freddie Gray were told that he had a history of participating in “crash-for-cash” schemes — injuring himself in law enforcement settings to collect settlements — but were advised by a state prosecutor not to pursue the information, according to defense attorneys for the six officers charged in Gray’s arrest and death.

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* It is a measure of the astonishing political power of the Soros crowd that they can offer up people with really lousy personal histories, caught in shocking behavior, and get them lauded as complete victims.

Like the Chinese emperors of old; they bring a deer to court and get everyone to admit that it is a horse.

* The main thing is to keep the water boiling. As soon as one case loses steam another one is found, never mind the actual merits. By the time one case has been rationally explained it’s already in the memory hole.

* Mosby’s travesty of a case will be thrown out just as all the other meritless accusations have been in the matters Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, etc. The caterwauling of the black grievance industry in these affairs is never about ‘justice’ or ‘Black Lives Matter’ , it is about extortion via the inevitable civil lawsuit that is filed seeking compensation for the death of the black lout.

The play is well rehearsed, often with the same actors. The folks at the Conservative Treehouse have documented the methodology and even the behind the scenes choreographers. A media specialist like Ryan Julison is retained by the black law firm ( Parks and Crump) to arrange media coverage of the shooting on behalf of their ‘client’, the family of the dead black lout. “Eyewitnesses’ are created and given legal counsel to provide false accounts of the event to the news media. They have now even learned to quickly scrub the social media of the ‘victim’, his family and their fake ‘eyewitnesses’ to prevent media or conservative crowd sourced scrutiny of the ‘actors’. The entire black political establishment is deployed to express outrage and the DoJ Community Relations Service deployed to monitor the police investigation and help choreograph protests in preparation to impose a Federal consent decree upon law enforcement.

Its all a big scheme being run out of the White House now to poison race relations in an effort to energize the black vote in local and off year elections.

* Why would anyone want to be an officer in the Armed Forces of the United States of America today?

In the first place, a career in the armed services requires frequent moving, and frequent deployments. That’s not conducive to strong families or tranquil home life.

In the second place, since the armed services have been re-made to conform to regnant social values, you would have to deal with all kinds of nonsense related to women’s issues, LGBT issues, and — any day now — Trans issues. Count me out.

The way you attract higher quality people to the armed services is by having high social esteem for the armed services. This is something that was understood in many European cultures, and in recent times by Imperial Germany (because all of the Nazi officers got their start there) and by Israel. Aside from the obligatory “thank you for your service” nonsense we get in the US, service in the Armed Forces hasn’t been esteemed in the US for 50 years.

I enlisted in the Marines in the early 70′s and served 4 years and got something out of it. Plus I got the GI Bill for college. But would I enlist today as I did then? No.

* This is just sick. It reminds of a story I read in Amren a while back about the usual suspects crippling and maiming their children because it drew more money out from western white fools.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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