Blacks Behave Badly, Whites Blamed

Steve Sailer writes:

As the Surveillance Society evolves, crime ever increasingly Does Not Pay. A side effect of this could be that an increasing proportion of criminals that the police must deal with are even less rational than in the past.

For example, this video of a college football player driving up to a Texas car dealership in the middle of the night in a perfectly okay looking car, then trying to punch his way through a car’s side window, then breaking a windshield by jumping on it, then driving his car through the gate and, apparently, through the plate glass window of the showroom, where he was killed, apparently during a struggle with the cops who tried to arrest him.

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* He was shit hammered drunk. He almost falls flat on his face at 4:16.

* Michael Brown, Freddie Gray, Sandra Bland and now Christian Taylor. Funny how these cases of blacks in trouble with the law have white-sounding names, despite the stereotype about poor black women’s dumb baby-naming tendencies. Even Trayvon Martin has an uncommon but German-derived first name.

* Salon gave us all the necessary info: “police kill unarmed black football player”.

Do we really need to know more?

* From the article:

“Clyde Fuller, Mr. Taylor’s great-uncle, told The Fort Worth Star-Telegram that Mr. Taylor was ‘a good kid’ and that he did not believe the police account that Mr. Taylor had been committing a crime.

‘I don’t see him stealing no car or nothing like that,’ Mr. Fuller said. ‘They say he’s burglarizing the place by running up in there? Nuh-uh. Something doesn’t sound right.’”

I understand not wanting to speak ill of one’s dead relatives. But has it now become standard journalistic practice to avoid asking such questions as “So what is your theory as to why he was inside a car dealership in the middle of the night when he got killed?”

If it has, why put quotes like those in there at all? Do they just do it to make the relatives look stupid? Are the New York Times writers actually smarter than they act, and are just mocking these people? Or are there actually reporters out there who still believe guys like Clyde Fuller?

* This chocolate-colored yutz was obviously on some fierce drugs. Also suffering Chronic Acute Permanent Victim Syndrome, he just couldn’t stand the pain anymore. The special medication of his beautiful SUV and all the adoring glances of the lily white cheerleaders just couldn’t cure him.
After taking a dump in the vandalized sports car, he gives in to despair and terminal stupidity and tragically ends his precious life.
Too bad we have to have another lynching of the police officers to expiate the sins of yet another terminally stupid negro.
Why don’t Black Lives Matter to the people who should value them the most-themselves?

* Technological developments are probably not going to solve the larger problem of the general public seemingly having hugely unrealistic expectations of law enforcement officers, based on a fantastical narrative that excuses criminal behavior or at least puts it in a sympathetic light. Even pepper spray has been vilified by some criminal sympathizers, though it is hard to find a more benign method of subduing a violent suspect.

The truth is that when cops fail to use enough force, quickly enough, it often results in them having to use more force later on in the encounter. It may seem hard for many sheltered people to believe, but I think many cops these days are guilty of not using enough force early in the confrontation to quash violent attack. When naive citizens watch videos of cops “acting like assholes”, what they fail to realize is that could very well prevent the situation from escalating further. It may not be nice but that is the reality of physical confrontation.

When an untrained, inexperienced and often gullible outside observer sees a video, they frequently don’t understand what they are seeing. What they might be shown is a poor, hapless minority receiving a drubbing. Much wailing and gnashing of teeth ensues and the police learn very quickly is that the public apparently wants criminals to be apprehended in a manner befitting the most pleasant and unrealistic fantasies of the liberal criminal apologist. In other words: leave them alone, they dindu nuffin. Crime goes up. Liberals scratch their heads and wonder how this could happen.

Sheltered people have been conditioned to believe that violent savages should be treated with kid gloves. Of course, criminal sympathizers and abettors also feel the same way. And here we are.

None of my comments should be interpreted as an excuse for illegal behavior on the part of police. Certainly, there are some things about police hiring, training and policy that could be improved. However, I do find that many, if not most, of the people critiquing police really haven’t the first clue about the reality of violent confrontations.

* I think it was Richard Lynn who said that IQ can be thought of not so much as dumb/smart but rather can better be understood in terms of age. Someone with an IQ of 75 is more equivalent to a nine-year-old. He can learn to operate an AK-47 but does not necessarily have the judgment not to point it his friends.

* In the leftist view a black man is perfectly justified in assaulting a white man (especially a white police officer) if he feels he’s been disrespected, since the black male’s victimological ranking is high and the white man’s is low. And most crimes (robbery, drug dealing) are forgivable if committed by a black man, for basically the same reason. But to rape a woman, or even to be accused of it? Better to walk into a random Presbyterian church and open fire on the congregation, so long as you can concoct some story about how they were “racist” against you. Note also how the left loves to work in secondary pet causes with each of these stories: gun control (Trayvon Martin), lead paint in housing projects (Freddie Gray). Walter Scott seemed to vanish from public discourse pretty quickly when it got around that the “crime” he was most likely running from was…failure to pay child support. A black man is still a man, and thus not entirely without sin.

* A couple of unthinkable alternatives to “bear darts”:

1. End all forms of taxpayer support to single/unwed mothers. Let the churches, synagogues, doogooder.orgs and the single mothers themselves work it out together.

2. Put a halt to the college athletics scholarship NFL/NBA feeder racket. Jock-sniffs will howl, wail and withhold their $upport. And the beleaguered taxpayer will no longer be compelled to subsidize jock-sniff escapism or V.I.P. treatment for select thugs.

* How was Wilson to throw Michael Brown to the ground when Brown reached into his car to beat on him and get Wilson’s gun? How was Wilson to throw a charging, almost 300 lbs guy to the ground.

Did you fail to think this through?

* Another innocent black life lost. Bring the reparations now!

The guy was obviously high out of his mind (not drunk because he kept good balance jumping on a windshield). After seeing the video, it’s fun to see Huff Post describe it as “The video shows Taylor wandering around the lot and peering into cars”. LOL, perhaps for a lesson the writer needs someone to peer on his car like this.

* “In August 2014, he posted on Twitter, “I don’t feel protected by the police.” In December 2014, he wrote, “Police taking black lives as easy as flippin a coin, with no consequences.” Last April, he wrote, “I don’t wanna die too young.”

Well, he made it to August.

* The National Institute of Justice poured large amounts of cash into funding many different engineering, research, and evaluation programs aimed at developing and testing many different ideas for non-lethal police restraints. Among the ideas developed and tested were goo that hardened into rubbery ropes, nets shot from a distance, beanbags (killed a white girl during a baseball riot in Boston), rubber bullets, shotgun spray pellets, incapacitating gases, sedative darts, long-distance taser weapons, super slippery materials, flash-bangs, microwave radiation projectors. These are the ones I remember off the top of my head. There many others. This happened back in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Nothing ever really panned out. In practice the devices were too bulky or hard to use in field conditions, did not perform adequately, or turned out to have high lethality associated with them. It’s not like police haven’t been searching for the magic non-lethal bullet that those not familiar with police work think they are hiding from the public. It’s that no one has yet found an effective, non-lethal incapacitation and restraint system that police can carry with them and easily use.

* I expect a gene-specific water- or food-borne agent that will drastically reduce fertility.

Permanent genetic effect or (preferably) transmitted epigenetically. Nobody is hurt. Nobody figures it out for 20+ years. Turbo-CRISPR, so to speak.

The initial research could even be public and progressive-sounding: a new way to reduce tsetse or medflies or the feral dog/cat population.

* Given that a third of all black people have IQs that put them into the range of retardation (as, clearly, do most of the perps in these panic-flight shooting incidents), the real question is: What the f— are we going to do with 30 million black retards? Any answers. Genocide? Hardly. Shipment back to Africa? That boat done left. Assignment to labor camps? Unlikely. I know: let’s bribe them to be good, even if they’re not smart enough to understand the bargain, let’s have a whole political culture tell them they’re victims and should therefore be exempt from laws, let’s put them on a dole derived from the taxation of responsible citizens, let’s redefine all protocols for dealing with them rationally, accepting the idea that it’s best to let them rampage until their flawed brains lose interest, and let’s subsidize them to breed more. Yeah, yeah, that’s a good idea.

* I agree that it’s the fault of the SJW’s and the endless march towards equality, you see the same thing in the Army.

What’s funny is that discouraging physical violence in order to curtail police brutality may have cost more lives than the old ‘wooden shampoo’ approach could ever have managed. Taking away the cops ability to become physical only increases the chances they’d have to shoot any violent aggressor. I wonder if the crime-prone community misses the old breed of brawler-cop?

I’d much rather be Rodney King than Michael Brown, given the choice.

* Any chance this rent a mob is working for our old friend George Soros? I hear the nation wrecker who likes to destroy currencies for fun and profit is bankrolling the black intifada. Guess he has to do something between crashing economies. Funny he would sic his mob on old Bernie though. Is he ready for Hillary? Is Hillary ready for Hillary? Somebody better take Dorian Gray into the shop and get Dr. Frankenstein to do some work. She looks like she’s falling apart like a cheap suit. I would have thought she would get a Madonna style bodysculpt to take ten or more years off of her. With the cigar store Indian sitting out the race those crazy Gynosupremacists aren’t gonna be happy if a womyn doesn’t ride the horse this time. Maybe Crazy Joe Biden can wear a dress? He crazy – he’d do it for the good of the party I’m sure. Get him some estrogen cornflakes.

* The woman demanding the four and a half minute moment of silence for Mike Brown in the second video reminds me of Sasha Baron Cohen as Borat demanding everyone at the minor league baseball park stand for the Kazakstan National Anthem, with one difference: Baron Cohen starts out ingratiating, and then shifts to being obnoxious; these women go from obnoxious to more obnoxious. Satire can’t keep up.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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