To blog, perchance to scoop

Here are three recent letters to the editor of the Jewish Journal:

It is commendable that Brad Greenberg has written about Luke Ford as a journalist in the Jewish community ("Interview With a Serial Blogger," Aug. 3). Unfortunately, Greenberg devoted more print to the mayor’s affair and the porn industry than Ford’s writings about our community.

Ford’s book, "Yesterday’s News Tomorrow," was mentioned but not explored. Had it been, we would understand that amid the lashon hara, Ford gives us "sunlight" as "antiseptic" (Louis Brandeis).

Reference to Marsha Plafkin suing the University of Judaism is an apt example. This case was investigated by The Jewish Journal but never published. Ford addressed the opportunity, if not the responsibility, to provide readers with information. He published an interview of Plafkin’s experience, leaving readers to determine fact or fiction.

If Greenberg had read the interview, he would know that a jury reached a verdict on some charges favoring the UJ. He would also know that other charges were withdrawn by Plafkin (dismissed without prejudice), given her concern about the judge’s impartiality.

Without Ford, what other stories will be yesterday’s news tomorrow?

Daniel Hurwitz
Los Angeles

Shame on The Jewish Journal for publishing such an article ("Interview With a Serial Blogger," Aug. 3). You are no better than the person you wrote about.

A better title for that article would have been, "Interview With a Serial Porno Blogger." I was shocked, horrified and appalled. In the future, I hope you publish articles that are worthy of being in a newspaper that has "Jewish" in its name.

Name Withheld by Request

Your cover article about Luke Ford and his wayward lifestyle force me to ask you why we need to know about him, and why put him on the cover and give him undue notoriety.

I am tired of weekly reading negative things about our Jewish community that you dig up. It is worse than anti-Semitic publications which you seem to fuel.

Why can’t you write about all the good and chesed that goes on around us in the Jewish community that I see. You have not done one article on Yael and Nouriel Cohen and their Tomchei Shabbat, which feeds and clothes 54 families weekly.

Please spend your time locating and publicizing the positive aspect of being Jewish and being a part of a wonderful, close-knit Jewish community and value system, as I feel I am. Turn your negative covers into something positive, please!

I wait for Thursdays to get your publication outside my synagogue and not be disappointed.

Joanne BeitHalahmi
Marina Del Rey

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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