
Jane emails:


I am happy for you for the article and the making the cover of The Jewish Journal. As usual its fun to go with you through all your ups and downs and varied emotions concerning the article. I did not like the article and at first blamed Brad for it. After taking some time to reflect on it, I’ve come around to Amalek’s point of view. Enough!

I can’t fault Brad for: The lack of respect and the shallow story he wrote about you. Missing the essence of your blog and your talent. That he went for the easy target— Lashon Ha-Ra decimator Porn Ejection from alll Shuls Living in a hub…Bllah, bllah, bllah.

At times Amalek speaks truth and is worth listening to.

You are a grown man and a talented witty writer. Stop wining and selling yourself short. the fault is not Brad’s or the Bimbo’s from who-knows-where. The buck stops with you! You spoon fed your detractors with all the crap. Time to stand up for Luke. Luke merits integrity and loyalty as well as positive encouragement to move on. Enough hiding in the hob and being sick. 41 is not a kid anymore. It’s not cute anymore and not funny. Time to stand like a man and be counted. Get out of the corner you have painted yourself into and command respect.

I love you and respect your talent and its heartbreaking to watch you do it. As you know I myself am sick (heart). I treat people who come in and their 1st complain is their health (Chrons, Cancer) In time I encourage them to live FULLY with the illness and get out of this trap/aliby e.g. rationalizing staying home and giving up on the outside world.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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