Swastikas Around 90035

There have been a series of swastika sprayings around 90035 the past few weeks and the Chabad rabbi at Mount Olympus had his car set on fire last week. Some of my Jewish friends don’t think Jews will be safe in America in ten years. They’re preparing to flee.

Dan writes:

Jewish interests have almost always been at odds with European interests EXCEPT in the long term. What I mean is, whether or not most Jews know it or admit it, they don’t really want to live in a world without White people. Especially White Christians.

Not only do they not really want to live in such a world, I don’t think their prolonged existence in a non-White/non-Christian world is even possible. If the world were to turn all Black, Oriental, Arab, and Amerind, Jews would be living on borrowed time.

In that respect, Jewish interests and White interests align. But few Jews cotton to the idea.

Luke: Race is just one form of identity

Jew: I’m probably going to integrate into the white population though because I have such a hard time finding honest Jews and it’s upsetting.

Very few of them will admit that multiculturalism doesn’t work because they want to continue living in Christian lands. Everyone has tunnel vision.

Luke: Identity binds and blinds (Jonathan Haidt).

Jew: I choose honesty and truth over identity. Is that the wrong decision? I just don’t believe that you can conceal lies and reality forever.

Luke: Once you pursue truth, it’s addictive and very hard to go back to blissful ignorance. Truth uber alles!

Jew: On the other hand – I have a hard time deciding if truth / justice doing the right thing will actually win in the end because I also think the real truth is that might is right. Like you can cling to abstract ideals all day and night, but if someone who doesn’t care about that is willing to crush you it doesn’t matter.

Luke: I believe in evolution, survival of the fittest, Nietzsche.

Jew: I do too. It’s hard to always measure fitness though. It’s not always clear who is winning / losing or who will win in a few hundred years.

Luke: You can get a pretty good idea from dysgenic trends.

Jew: So who is winning now? Muslims?

Islam is kind of the ultimate might is right religion. Ok so you need brain power AND be willing to crush your enemies. I hate trying to talk to dumb people about this stuff. They look at you like you’re nuts. And there are so many of them. It’s overwhelming. This has been a really intense month for news. The death of the west is speeding up. I am literally watching it happen in front of my eyes.

Goy: What would Chaim Amalek say about “Beauty?” — not like the beauty of shiskas, but of like Renoir or Bach or Botticelli or whatever?

You know about the bonfire of the vanities in Florence in the late 15th century? Was that misguided?

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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