An Orthodox Jew tells me: My [teenage] daughter was lost the other night in Inglewood.
What was she doing there? Registering people to vote?
and was approached by two nice African American guys. They asked her the same question, and also if she’s drunk
oh G-d
L-rd have mercy
and informed her that she’s in Inglewood and that people will kill her here
did she share the 7 Noahide laws w them?
but not them. Not anthony. Because she can trust him. He’s trustworthy
when’s the wedding?
He is not going to kill her. Because he is Anthony the trustworthy
He was such a nice guy!
a prince!
he even offered to get in the car with her and show her the directions!
But I guess not only African Americans are nice. I am sure you’d do the same for a nice Jewish girl.
of course!
You see? It has nothing to do with race. All men are nice creatures
What was she doing in Inglewood?
She was LOST
what was she looking for? to buy drugs?
Do I need to talk to this girl and straighten her out about life?
She’s blond. It’s worthless.
There is no chemical solution to a spiritual problem.
There is no solution to a genetic problem
Tell her to start a blog and share her experience, strength and hope.
Natural blonde?
Timothy – Anthony’s friend told her she can come and talk to him any time she likes. He’s here for her. a shoulder to lean on
aww, are they pen pals? You must be so proud!
He’d be at 7-11 the next day if she feels like crying or anything – just come there and ask for Timothy. A local hero I guess. Maybe he could help her find a summer job selling pharmaceutical things to help people cope with life. A double Mitzvah!
But some guys are really nice
Like the ones from inglewood who are not killers and are trustworthy and are willing to come with you in your car to show you the directions just because it’s easier that way to show you where to go.
Did Joshua blow his trumpet so she could go to Inglewood and talk to black guys?
He said he was trustworthy and he said he is not a killer
Obama said same thing.
He also said I’d be able to keep my doc.