How exactly should white Americans react to being displaced? What are socially appropriate ways that they can express their disdain at being overwhelmed and replaced by brown people?
I only want to see white Americans winning anything significant in America or Australia or England or any of our historic homelands. I want to see Jews winning Jewish contests. I want to see my group triumph. I root for my group. I think my reaction is universal. I don’t expect that India would react with glee to white or black people winning awards in that country. I expect the Japanese to root first for Japanese and for Mexicans to root first for Mexicans.
WP: Kimble and other bee organizers were appalled by the reaction to last year’s contest, when Sriram, then 14, and his co-winner Ansun, then 13, were greeted with a barrage of racist comments on Facebook and Twitter:
“The kids in the spelling bee should only be AMERICAN”
“No American sounding names who won the spelling B. #sad#fail”
“We need an american to win this spelling bee #tiredofindians”