I Want To Speak To College Kids At $5K A Pop

Joe emails:

Luke, I’ve been enjoying your blogs for years.

I went to Ner Israel [high school in Baltimore]. There were a few guys who got kicked out of school for homo activities. I remember one guy in particular who was in the beit medrash. Very good looking guy, like Robert Redford. Apparently he was molesting a few of the high school kids he was tutoring.

Looking back on my experience in the orthodox community, it seems like they were not that different than their cousins in the taliban, or the islamic schools (which apparently have massive faggotry going on – it would make the British navy blush).

You should get on the college speaking circuit. You’ll make an easy $5k per gig for starters. Just talk about porn, religion, etc. Most importantly you will be getting some prime vagina. Send me 15% as a consulting fee after your first gig.

If you put together a compelling documentary along the lines of your Rob Spallone videos, you will have a "calling card". Pretentious college kids are always interested in this type of stuff.

You show your "film" then do a chat. $5k. ka-ching! 4 shows a month, and you make your way across the country sampling various young beaver. Of course your expenses are minimal since you are traveling in serial killer bangbus, and sleeping and eating in chabad houses, and dorm rooms of nubile fangirls. Easy $200K + 20-30 fresh, young, vaginas.

I will be your Don King and pimp you out. I will manage all the money "we" take in, very prudently in a sure-fire casino blackjack, and horse racing strategy.

You won’t have to worry about anything because I will keep you well supplied with pharmaceuticals, Mrs. Adler Gefilte Fish, happy pills, and impressionable young jewesses who want to rebell against their bouregois family by banging a semi-jew, aging, aussie porn fiend.

Let me know when you’re ready to get started!

Luke, Have you wondered why judaism does not want converts? Its because of guys like you. Anyway, you know the ship is going down when luke ford joins the party. Seriously, you are very, very bad for the jews. Please go back to paganism, or worshiping sand paintings, or whatever goes on in the aussie bush. We are supposedly a holy, pure people….

Whenever I’m in a whorehouse, underground stripclub, or korean "spa" I cringe when frumaks walk in. of course, they are the worst customers since they don’t tip well, and always hondel. If any of your readers are looking for a maariv minyan following their handjob, they can go to the "lapdance party" on west 36st, or the korean joint on 28st and 8th ave, in Manhattan. Wednesday nights.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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