The Atlantic: ‘Madison, Wisconsin, Is Not Ferguson, Missouri’

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* A chart of average black to white arrest ratio by state shows Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa are the most disproportionate states.
The least disproportionate are Kentucky, Arkansas, and South Carolina.
The further north you go, the clearer the pattern of discrimination becomes.

* Here’s an additional hatehypothesis: blacks are genetically conditioned to living in tropical climates, but Wisconsin and Minnesota have some of the coldest winters in the nation. So the combined effect may be that those states select heavily for black migrants toward the extreme end of the spectrum of “willing to freeze their butts off rather than get a job”.

* The police in Madison should stop policing blacks altogether. Just let them do whatever they like. I’m sure the progs at UW and in the state government would be cool with that. And if they aren’t, then they are obviously racists.

* Madison is getting quite jumpy. Activists have been pushing to enlarge the Negro population to make Madison more diverse, but the diversity is just producing more dead white folks.

In 2009, Tyrone Adair, (the son of Rita Adair**, a long time bar owner, social worker and mulatto activist), executed his two white baby-mamas AND his two mulatto sprogs because he was angry over child support payments.

A year ago, a black gang invaded the home of a blind white guy and his six-months-pregnant white wife, gang raping her, robbing and beating both them.

Only eight months ago ago, another black racist went to the Madison home of two white neighbor ladies and stabbed both of them to death. They may have complained about him making too much noise.

** Rita Adair, in a bizarre twist of fate, lead her own personal rescue mission to Houston to import a bunch of Katrina refugees and dump them on the Madison welfare department.

As a Madison mulatto social worker herself you must admit she was quite entrepreneurial! What better way to insure job security if you are a black social worker?

* For the longest time we heard that the root of the problem with failure and crime was low self-esteem. I forget what context it was in, but as Ann Coulter pointed out, “If you’ve ever had any dealings with black women you know that they are never lacking in self-esteem and self-confidence.” So true. Asian women with Ph.D.’s in engineering from Stanford have less confidence in their abilities than some black female who has failed out of NC A&T School of Education three times.

* It has been well known for decades that leftist organizations and protests are great places to meet members of the opposite sex.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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