A friend opens up a bottle of kosher peanuts and insists I take some.
Luke: “No thank you.”
Friend: “I did it for you.”
Luke: “That’s what Jesus said on the Cross. And again, no thank you.”
* I have a Japanese friend who will never accept any “free” offer because he says there’s got to be a catch there. He also won’t sign up for any club card and limits his credit card use. Needless to say, his net worth is well over a million dollars beyond mine.
* My dentist insisted that I get something very cold up against my new filling as soon as possible (the cavity went right up the nerve), so a Jew takes me to frozen yogurt to celebrate my new filling. He insists I take three generous free samples before making my selection. My WASP background rebels at this freeloading. I prefer fill up the cup that he’s paying for. It costs him $5. He asks me if I want to bring a bucket to fill up on his dime.