Apocalypse Now! Could The United States Collapse Tomorrow And Another Holocaust Come Our Way?

I’d love to hear how you think the United States could suddenly collapse. I hope this doesn’t happen but it might.

I’ve had a sense for more than two decades that we are living in an era akin to Weimar Germany and that the United States of America as we know it could come to a sudden crashing halt just as German democracy ended in 1933 with dictatorship and a reign of terror.

What are the scenarios?

* The most likely one is a collapse of our currency as we lose the ability to make payments on our debts and China gives up on us.
* Another possibility is a military coup.
* Another possibility is that the Cliven Bundy militia movement grows and these white guys with guns take back the country and turn America into a white country with some non-whites, including Jews, allowed to stay on as guests providing they follow the new rules (which include not acting against white interests).
* Another possibility is that the Chinese, with their superior intelligence, figure out our weaknesses and exploit them before we can protect ourselves.

The two most likely groups to take control of America are the Chinese communists from abroad or the white nationalists from within.

If the Chinese take over, I don’t think they’d have genocidal intentions towards the Jews.

Let’s say the white guys with guns — now that there are more non-whites born every day in America than whites, the white nationalists are increasingly hardcore — take control of America and decide to make it a white country with forceful expulsion of non-whites (except for a privileged few allowed to stay as guests), and genocide against those who refuse to go.

I suspect that the majority of those who call themselves “nationalists” may be bent on genocide. I don’t see inherently why “white nationalist” has to be any more incendiary a term than “Jewish nationalist” or “black nationalist” (which most blacks are) or “latino nationalist” (La Raza et al), but maybe it just is, no matter the logic. I think I need a better term than “white nationalist” to denote someone who believes that whites should organize in their group interest just like all other groups (women, blacks, Chinese, latinos, Jews, gays, etc) and does not seek anything for whites that he does not also wish for other groups (the attitude of Jared Taylor). There’s got to be some benign term to describe how all groups should organize in their self-interest, including whites, because we are all genetically programmed to prefer our own kind (as evidence by the way almost everybody segregates themselves by race in their housing choices, social choices and worship choices). Perhaps white advocate?

You are probably saying, “Luke, there’s a history of violent, scary criminals calling themselves white nationalists and murdering people.” Well, Jewish nationalists did scary terrorism such as blowing up the King David hotel to establish the modern state of Israel. The founders of the United States murdered people to create this nation. All nations have been formed from massive bloodshed. I come from Australia and we had to seize the country by force from the Aboriginees. The use of violence is not inherently immoral.

You can tell whether or not a nationalist is genocidal, I think, by whether or not they deride the Holocaust. That’s a pretty good tip-off of their intentions.

Like most traditional Jews I know, I am a Jewish nationalist. I wake up thinking about Jews, during the day I talk about Jews, and I go to bed thinking about Jews. We want the Arabs to leave Israel by any means necessary, preferably without bloodshed. So I guess all nationalisms carry a stench or a whiff of genocide? Half the Orthodox Jews I know supported Baruch Goldstein’s massacre of Arabs and they support Meir Kahane’s approach to the Arabs.

If America falls apart, Jews will be the first ones with their heads on the chopping block. That’s usually what happens when advanced societies convulse. The new leaders see the Jews as their primary threat and they move to neutralize them. Hitler at first wanted to expel the Jews and assist them in making Israel their country but other countries wouldn’t cooperate by taking Jews in so he moved on to concentration camps and genocide as the Final Solution to the Jewish question.

Chaim Amalek: “More likely: Collapse as a polity the way the USSR collapsed, with some large block declaring that it is going its own way, the public be damned. Imagine Mexifornia electing a Mexican as governor who declares California to be part of Mexico.”

Michael Fumento: “A lot of people are rightfully fearful of a slow collapse, or a disintegration both economically and socially. In part, I think, because that’s what’s happening. Just watching Facebook I see more and more people who can no longer keep themselves in denial that somehow magically things will turn around.”

Friend 1: “There are about 3000 white nationalists in America. There are more Amish, Scientologists, more outlaw bikers, more in the Nation of Islam, more radical Muslims…”

Friend 2: “If US goes to pieces, some pieces will be more white than others.”

Friend 3: “White guys with guns? Jews slaughtered in America? This guy spends way too much time on the Internet. If America falls, none of his expected scenarios have any chance of happening. The Jews are in cities, where the blacks have all the guns.”

Friend 4: “Vdare has been begging for donations every few months going so far as to shut down the site if the goal is not hit. These billionaires are not giving more than a few grand at most. This is totally delusional. Compare to a minor operation in the leftist empire like Media Matters. Doesn’t matter, choose whichever organization you wish to. Compare web design, slickness of operations, and lack of begging.”

An increasing number of my friends are looking for a place to flee if the United States collapses.

Hesh: “Or it could be economic, like the collapse of the dollar. The resulting panic would cause many to seek scapegoats. And the presence of Jews as the last three Fed chairman provides all the needed pretext.”

Chaim Amalek: “This is why it is so vitally important to Jewish interests that we have the right boys in Hollywood to keep the goyim entertained as their barrel flies over the cliff.”

Is Snowpiercer a good movie?

Chaim Amalek: “If it keeps the goyim thinking about nareshkeit, it is a good movie.”

“We have one big thing going for us that the Jews in Weimar Germany did not. The German Jews were up against a nation that was 100% white, and with it, the possibilities of cohesive action that only racial uniformity permit. But in this country at this time the whites are what, 55% and declining? It is like gunpowder. 100% pure is a problem and difficult for Yidden to handle. But when we dilute it 40% with impurities, it is safe for us to handle and we can sell it to others.”

Yidden need to begin colonizing China the way we did Europe long ago. Even Torah Jews should learn to enjoy rice. We gotta housetrain the Chinese to be as amenable to Jews as WASPs.

John Derbyshire wrote “that “given enough advance warning, I can probably get my own wife and kids out to the comparative sanity and freedom of China.”

He wrote: “The thought came upon me, as it has done quite a lot this past few years, that I shall likely end up in a labor camp. I can’t keep my mouth shut; I can’t clap along with the Kumbaya; and I can’t pretend assent to propositions that seem to me to be false. In the world we are fast heading into, that makes me camp fodder for sure.”

“Leaving aside the intended malice, I actually think “White Supremacist” is not bad semantically. White supremacy, in the sense of a society in which key decisions are made by white Europeans, is one of the better arrangements History has come up with. There have of course been some blots on the record, but I don’t see how it can be denied that net-net, white Europeans have made a better job of running fair and stable societies than has any other group.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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