
On his radio show today, Dennis Prager discussed Sarah Palin’s use today of the term “blood libel” to describe pundits linking her rhetoric to the Tucson shooting.

Dennis: “Is it legitimate? It’s not the exact same thing as happened to the Jews, but there is some truth to it. I would’ve preferred she would’ve just used ‘libel’ or ‘murder libel’ to not get the issue off focus about what the left has done — libel conservative America with murder.”


Wednesday, January 12, 2011 Radio Show
H1: Illuminating
Prager H1: This has been another illuminating week. James Taranto of the WSJ exposes in clear, stark terms, how the New York Times, its columnists and liberal allies have compromised their commitment to truth to promote their Leftist agenda. This isn’t a smoking gun. It’s the gun itself. Charles Krauthammer agrees.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011 Radio Show
H2: Fearing Men
Prager H2: Men have been demonized across society, suspected of being potential perverts whenever they are in presence of children. This is bad for children, bad for men, and bad for society.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011 Radio Show
H3: Life in North Korea
Prager H3: Dennis talks to BR Myers, director of the international studies department at Dongseo University in South Korea and contributing editor to Atlantic Magazine. His new book is The Cleanest Race: How the North Koreans See Themselves and Why It Matters. A Best of Prager Hour. Originally broadcast on February 16, 2010.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011 Radio Show
H1: It’s Not about Political Rhetoric
Prager H1: Political rhetoric had nothing to do with the murders Arizona. To say that bulls-eyes on political districts inspired a killer is not only foolish, it defies common sense… To be on the Left means never to have to say your sorry. To be on the Left is to be kind and compassionate. To be on the Right is to be mean and selfish.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011 Radio Show
H2: Controlling the Media and Education
Prager H2: If you control both media and education, you have a lot of control over your society. In Europe, the government controls both. In the US, the Left controls the education agenda and most of the media, but not talk radio – big difference… Why does the Left so loathe Sarah Palin?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011 Radio Show
H3: Ultimate Issues: Battle Yourself
Prager H3: In order to be a good person one must battle their emotions. We are fully submerged in the age of stupidity. Dictated by feelings, people battle outside forces rather than the true battle within. “How do I feel about it,” has supplanted “Is it right or wrong?” Callers weigh in. A Best of Prager Hour. Originally broadcast on June 29, 2010.

Fear Males

Males have come to be regarded as dangerous predators, objects to be feared. This is the Politically Correct, hyper-feminized world in which we live. Sad.

Krauthammer: Yes, It’s a Libel

Charles Krauthammer is so disgusted with what the Left has tried to do with the Arizona tragedy that he writes a special column. He reviews the facts and makes his usual airtight case: the Left has libeled the Right. Don’t miss the last line. Devastating.

Taranto: NYT Crosses the Line

This has been another illuminating week. James Taranto of the WSJ exposes in clear, stark terms, how the New York Times, its columnists and its liberal allies have compromised their commitment to truth to promote their Leftist agenda. This isn’t a smoking gun. It’s the gun itself. Essential reading.

Would This Inspire You to Kill?

Here’s the famous Sarah Palin map.

Liberal Columnist Sums Up the Left Position on Arizona Murders

You really have to go no further than Michael Tomasky, columnist for The Guardian newspaper of the UK, to understand the Left’s view of the Right, those hateful SIXHIRB Americans who vote Republican.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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