Seagal’s court brawl wraps

Chuck Philips writes for the LAT:

After six years of legal sniping, actor Steven Seagal and his former business partner, Julius R. Nasso, buried the hatchet Sunday, ending a bitter court battle that had spawned allegations of contract breach and Mafia extortion.

As a result of the confidential, out-of-court settlement, Nasso is expected to drop his $60-million lawsuit against Seagal, which alleged that the actor reneged on an agreement to produce four films with him. In exchange, Seagal agreed to pay Nasso $500,000, according to people familiar with the terms of the settlement. The two men also agreed to sever all ties.

…During a partnership spanning more than a decade, Seagal starred in a string of blockbuster hits, including "On Deadly Ground" and "Under Siege 2," that grossed hundreds of millions of dollars. Nasso helped produce them. The two former best friends were next-door neighbors in New York City’s Staten Island, where they worked and partied together earlier in their careers.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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