JC’s Girls’ False Gospel of Pleasure?

I must admit that I am really enjoying watching these Christian evangelists to sex workers tear each other apart.

Thank you Jesus.

From MySpace, a profile calling itself the real JCs Girls publishes this David Stewart blog post:

JC’s Girls’ website presents no Gospel message; yet they claim a desire to influence people for Christ.  They may fool naive and foolish believers elsewhere; BUT not a Bible-Believing, Christ-honoring Christian!  JC’s Girls are of the Devil! 

Says Heather Veitch…

"We pattern our ministry after the very ministry of Jesus by actually going to the people who need him … Our desire is for people to see that Christianity is anything but boring and restrictive. In Christ, we are free to experience adventure, pleasure, forgiveness, hope and peace."

SOURCE: World Net Daily; ‘Porn Again’ for the Kingdom of God; December 4th, 2005)

There’s a new one … PLEASURE!  Ms. Veitch is a false prophet!  She states that the purpose of her ministry is to open people’s eyes "to see that Christianity is anything but boring and restrictive."  EXCUSE ME?  Christianity is extremely RESTRICTIVE!!!  Jesus even condemned lusting in Matthew 5:28.  What are you talking about Ms. Veitch???  Christianity restricts what a person can wear, where they go, how they live, how they talk, what they do, who they choose as friends, etc.  You see, unsaved Modernists like JC’s Girls have a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof (2nd Timothy 3:5).  These girls aren’t preaching the Biblical Gospel, they’re propagating a false gospel which does not require repentance.  The Law of God is not presented to lost sinners.  This is becoming one of the biggest heresies in America today… Just ask Jesus into your heart and you’ll go to Heaven.  No Sir!  You’d better first realize that you are a hellbound sinner, GUILTY, under the condemnation of God’s Law.  Romans 3:19 states, "Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God."  Public stripping is a lewd, vile, and horrible sin!!! 

Ms. Veitch states that In Christ, we are free to experience … pleasure.  But she fails to explain her statement.  NO ONE has the freedom to enjoy the pleasures of sin!  In Christ, we are free to enjoy the pleasures of sex ONLY within the bounds of marriage (Hebrews 13:4).  You’ll never see this taught on JC’s Girls’ website.  By the vague manner in which they make their statements, a person could easily conclude that it’s ok to work as a stripper and commit fornication while being a Christian.  Also, carefully notice that JC’s Girls apparently makes no attempt to rescue strippers from their demonic lifestyle.  Instead, they offer to BE THERE for them in a time of need.  Is this what John the Baptist did concerning sinners?  Did John tell Herod, "Hey, I’m not going to judge you, I’m here for you if you need me."  No Sir!.  John the Baptist ended up getting his head chopped off… "for John had said unto Herod, It is not lawful for thee to have thy brother’s wife" (Mark 6:18).  The early church in Acts was persecuted, many to death, for preaching the truth. 

In sharp contrast, we see apostate groups today, who claim to be Christian, but are actually of the Devil.  They do not preach against the sins of men.  They do not show people God’s Law.  They do not speak out against the evils of our day.  What JC’s Girls ought to be doing is exposing the sins of immodest clothing and stripping, as they preach the Gospel message.  But you say, "Then the strippers would never come to Christ."  Exactly!  This is the big lie of the Devil today–that we have to trim the Gospel message of any mention of sin, to attract sinners.  Folks, those people aren’t coming to Christ then, they’re coming to self-righteousness.  Satan wants us to tell people to trust Jesus, but don’t ever show them their wickedness from the Bible (to help them understand WHY they need Christ in the first place).  The tragic result is false conversions.  There can be NO salvation without the Law.  Something is very wrong with people who refuse to come to Christ unless all mention of sin, condemnation, judgment, and Hell are avoided.  JC’s Girls won’t touch these issues because it’s offensive.  Romans 5:15 states, "But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many."  Tragically, most people today want the free gift, but few realize that they’ve offended God.  Salvation involves both the offence and the free gift.  The Law of God shows us our condemned condition (i.e., how we have offended God by our sins), and our NEED for redemption.  Then the Law points us to Christ, who offer’s the free gift of eternal life through His shed blood.  Jesus simply asks us to trust upon Him, to take away our sins through His blood sacrifice (1st Peter 1:18-19). 

JC’s Girls, and other apostate Modernists, only offer the free gift to people; but the issue of sin isn’t addressed, so there is NO salvation.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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